Life as I know it: Maybe he's not so bad

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I wake  up to realize that I am in a bed with Stefan, and we're laying face to face. I'm glad he's still sleeping though. I take in features. He looks genuinley sweet in his sleep. His hair covers his eyes, and I lightly place my hand on his forhead and lift his hair off his face. I'm surprised when this light touch wakes him up. When he looks me in the eyes, I give him a light smile.

"Morning," I say.

He lets out a yawn and gives me the same smile I gave him.

"Good morning my dear wife," he says, wrapping me up in a tight embrace.

"So what are we going to do today?" I ask sweetly.

"My mom and dad actually want to meet with us about their plans for us" he says nonchalantly.

I quickly pull out of his embrace and walk to our closet to get dressed.

I thought I was done with this! I mean, I married their son, I'm doing what they want. I mean I'm not  pregnant yet, but... I mean... that can wait. Right? It's not like all four of us are going to die soon.

All of a sudden I feel Stefan's arms wrapped around.

"Luna, what's wrong? My parent just want to meet with us. It's not like they're going to force us to do anything," he explains. I turn around and give him a hug. What can I say, I'm feeling lovey-dovey today.

"What if your wrong? What if they ask why I'm not pregnan yet, or something?" I ask.

"Then I will happily oblige to their will," he says. I give him a scowl and slap him in the stomach and get ready.

While we get ready I put my hair up in a pony tail and throw on a white frilly top with black skinny and white sandals. Even though I didn't want to, Stefan forced me to go to the meeting with his parents. I was literally kicking and screaming.


I came to find out everything Stefan told me was wrong. His parents were wanting something from me, again! I mean seriously, what is with these people? I've already given them my freaking freedom!

"Luna, we wanted to talk to you," Queen Elincia said.

"I've realized. Didn't you here me scream 'NO! I don't want a meeting with your parents!' down the hall?" I say, a tad on the bitchy side, but who cares?

"Well, I want to remind you that we are expecting you to give us a grandchild," she says. Ok now she is a tad on the bitchy side, and I do care.

'Well, I want to wait. I'm not just going to do it with your son because you want grandkids. I respect myself, and I want to wait, so I'm gonna wait," I snap at her.

"Well you can wait until next month, by that time I expect you to be pregnant," she says. What is this chic talking about? Pregnant? By next month?

"That's funny, but not happening! We'll have a baby when I'm ready!" I yell at her.

"Then you should start preparing because we're stepping down soon and I want you to have a child ready to take your place in case anything happens," she says all prissy and mean. Ok so the queen, not as nice as you'd think. As the old saying goes don't judge a book by its cover.

"When are you steping down? Why are we in such a hurry?" I ask.

"We will be stepping down in 15 thousand years, but we want the child to know enough about the kingdom, just in case. So that would be why we want you to be in such a hurry. Now I don't know if you  realize this but 15 thousand years isn't long of a time as it is to those humans you've spent your whole life with, but here it's not very long. Now that we're done with this conversation, farewell," and with that Stefan just drags me out, and I was once again, kicking and screaming.


"Well it's not like she didn't answer any questions you would've had," Stefan says, trying to calm me down.

"But she is forcing me to have a baby! Did you ever think about how I feel about this? Huh? I don't want to have a baby yet! And I don't think we're there yet Stefan!" I yell at him.

In a few seconds I'm swept off me feet and pinned to the bed. I'm eye to eye with Stefan, his hands on each side of my face, and our noses are touching, and I can feel his breath on my face.

"Listen to me Luna, I think we're old enough to do this, and I think you're old enough to have a baby," he whispered.

"Stefan get off," I say in a calm voice. Suddenly I feel his lips on my neck and his hands under my shirt. He bites my ear, and whispers seductively,

"I'm not getting off of you. And honestly I think I've waited long enough for a wife, when I'm aloud to do this."

Wait, is he a virgin? No, he's not. Just waiting for someone he's aloud to do it with.

All of a sudden I feel my shirt being lifted off of me and his lips land on mine. Alright he's moving a lot faster than I expected. In a minute his shirt and pants were off and suddenly mine were too!


The morning after sucks! I have to go get a pregnancy test now and I have a splitting headache! I woke up with no clothes on, and the same for Stefan! I wrap myself up in the blanket and make my way to the bathroom. I open up the cabinet and of course Queen Elincia packed pregnancy tests for me to take. Ugh that woman!

Suddenly I feel someone's touch on my back and I jump. Realizing my blanket fell I quickly cover myself up with it again.

"What's the point? I've already seen all of you," Stefan says with a smug look on his face. I recall last night and how I gave in to Stefan.

"Look I know that you guys have improved technology up here so the pregnancy tests will be able to say if I'm pregnant."

"Alright I'll leave you to take your test," he says backing off.

"Oh and Stefan," I say, stoping him in the door way.

"Yes Luna?" he says with a smirk on his face.

"Put some pants on, or atleast underwear."


After I take the test I'm greeted by Stefan constantly asking me 'Are you pregnant?' over and over again. Finally I snap and yell at him,

"Stefan, it takes 15 minutes to see so I don't know, now hold on!"

Then we here the little beep, and we both rush to see the results. I look down to see a little plus sign on the stick.

"Oh. My. God. I'M PREGNANT!!" I scream, jumping into Stefan's arms as he spins me around. I feel the tears escaping my eyes.

I'm having a baby! I'm going to be fine. Stefan is going to be there every step of the way. I don't have to worry, he won't let me down. Atleast I hope not.

"Oh Luna I can't wait until you have our baby. They're going to be beautiful, I just know it. I'm not so bad am I?" he says.

"No, I guess, maybe, you're not so bad," I say, giving him a slight smile.

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