Life as I know it: the kingdom, the royals, the choice

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It was actually a very short trip to the kingdom. We just had to fly up. Who knew that creatures who could fly would want to live in a place with lots of space to fly!

The kingdom is beautiful. It's like something you see in the movies. There were island type lalnd masses floating in the sky. Each one was a different town and in the very middle stood one island, the home of the Royals. It was filled with forests, but there was a massive castle made out of stone with a red roof, and on the side there was a water fall going off. How it didn't get the humans below us wet I don't know.

"Woow," I said in amazement at the sights I am taking in.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Stefan asked. "Come on, the Royals are going to want to meet you."

As I follow Stefan to the castle, I still can't get over all the beautiful scenery. When we made it to the castle Stefan led me down a series of hallways until we made it to, what I believe is, the throne room. There on the throne sat Queen Elincia and King Greyson. I quickly bow down, realizing I was being rude to my king and queen.

"So you must be Miss Luna. The Earth angel correct?" Queen Elincia asked me sweetly, with a bright smile.

"Yes, your majesty," I say nervously.

"If I'm not mistaken we asked you to bring back two, Stefan," King Greyson said angrily.

"Yes, you did father," Stefan said.

Father? What? No, no please don't let that be right. Please let Stefan just be delusional.

"Then why do I only see one?" King Greyson asked Stefan angrily.

"You only see one because the other was a friend to the girl, and I didn't want to terrify the girl by making her watch her friend be arrested," Stefan said.

"Well," Queen Elincia said, interrupting what was about to become a fight. "We should explain to the girl what is going on."

"Right," King Greyson said. "Miss Luna, you are to marry my son, Stefan."

WHAT?!?!?! No! This has to be wrong! I can't be married to the heir of the kingdom! This is the first time I've ever been to the kingdom!

"I am going to be stepping down soon and I want my son to be married to a girl who would make a great queen and supply a future heir."

"Your majesty, I don't mean to be disrespectful but, this my first time even in the kingdom. I don't think I can be queen of this kingdom when I don't even know the people or-"

"Non sense child! I have faith that you will do just fine! I picked you myself," Queen Elincia said.

"And besides I have been sitting in this chair ruling before you two were born!" King Greyson tells us.

"If I may, Queen Elincia, how did you pick me?"

"Well it was quite easy actually. I knew I didn't want any of the mayors' daughters to be with my son, so I looked at the guardians. That's when I stumbled upon Earth and found you. You seemed just right for my son, so I made the decision to assign a new guardian to Earth and make you Stefan's bride to be," she said cheerfully.

"You never asked my conscent though. You never learned how I feel about it. What if I don't want to get married? What happens then?" I ask her anger slipping into my voice.

"That's the beauty of it, Luna! You have no choice!"

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