half a heart without you

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Ethan pov
It's been two days since saachi has gone to india and three days since last we contacted each other. Well I kinda miss her. Rite now I'm sitting in the lecture and I don't know what the teacher teaching yeah I'm the nerd is not paying attention in the class even planning to bunk the college and go back home. As the lecture finished I sprinted through the corridor and reached the parking lot. I took my car n drove away home. I opened my laptop and started Skype. I saw I had 2 miss calls from saachi. I decided to call her.
After few secs she picked up the call.
" hey saachi!! "
" hey Ethan. Howzz u??? "
" I'm fine. Wbu?? "
" well nothing yesterday was the shradh so I'm in my room chilling out "
"Oohhh. So saachi u have so much explanation to do" I said with a serious face
I saw guilt flash through her face.
" yeah. I'm sorry tht I didn't tell u guys bout my dad though coz I really don't know why I didn't tell u guys. I was going to tell u the day when we bunked the college but u were not in the state so I let it go" I said sad face and sincerity.
" it's Okay saachi. So when are u returning back here???" I wanted to tell her rite now how much I like her but such things are said to face to face.
"well it's been two days n u started missing me???" she said with a smirk.
" it's not like I miss you. But tell me when are u coming back??? "
"no first agree tht u miss me "
" come on saach don't act childish!! Tell me "
" tell you miss me "
"no "
" okay chill Satan I miss you Okay!! "
"okay but I don't know when I'm returning " n she started laughing. God this girl!!
" saachi then why did you do this??? "
"hahahha.... But tht was awesm!! Awww Ethan misses me " n a adorable face.
Then someone who I think was elder then us entered the room he came swung his arm around the saachi's shoulder she smiled at him.
" Ethan I wanna introduce you to someone "
" Ethan this is my elder brother Vishal and Vishal this is Ethan my best friend " I relaxed tht he was her brother. We chatted for sometime . It was already night there these time zones suck so said our goodbyes. It felt good after talking to saachi man I'm totally acting like a whipped person but I miss her coz I'm half heart without her god I just quoted One Direction song this girl is affecting me so much. Saachi what are u doing to me!!!!

Saachi pov
I'm sitting in my room  n guess what I'm doing???  Absolutely nothing. I m bored to death O don't idea any wht im going to do. Maa is at office,  Vishal is at his clinic,  surabhi n yukta are in the college. It's been a week since I talked to Ethan on Skype my heart fluttered at the sight of him. Ethan.  Rite I should call him he must be free right now so I called him.
After third ring picked up the call.
"hey dumbo what are you doing??? He asked me
"I'm doing absolutely nothing . I was bored  so I called you"
" okay don't tell tht u still don't know when r going to come here . I seriously miss you " a smile made a way on my face.
"Aww my little wittle Ethan misses me so much" he rolled his eyes.
"yeah come on now tell me"
"I coming in 2 days "
" awesome,  already everyone is missing you "
" okay byee"
" byee.  When u come here I wanna tell u something " with tht he logged out.
I m wondering what might he wanna tell me.

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