Chapter 7

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(Really important message at the end of this chapter please read it!!!)

"EMILY WHAT IS THIS!" Who is that? I can't tell. Oh wait. Fuck. It can't be Luke. Im dead.

And with that. BANG. my door is now hanging by one hinge.
"Seriously. That's gonna take me forever to fix." I say trying to change the convosation before it even started.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" I flinch at the sound of Luke's voice booming through my room probably breaking the sound waves in the air.  "Dunno, what is it?" Real smooth... ugh what the fuck have I done.

"Fine I cut! I fucking cut! There are you happy now. I hate myself I am a depressed freak that no one cares for!" Luke's shoulders went limp and his face sofened.
"Emily" he said calmly.
"Get out" I mumbled
"Emily please"
"Get out!" I yelled this time.
Luke slowly walked out of the door and said "i'm sorry" very quietly. I suddenly felt bad, so I just curled up in a ball and fell into the darkness.


I haven't spoke to the boys in 3 days. I rarely went down stairs aswell. I slowly made my way to the lounge to see Luke so I could apoligise for the other day.

"Luke?" I say while looking down at the floor not wanting to make eye contact. He never replied. Instead I felt his terrifyingly long arm snake around my waist. "I'm so sorry Emily, I love you so much"
"I love you too Lukey Pukey"


Hey guys,

I'm really sorry I haven't updated in forever. And this is really short. Personal problems, another story for another time.

I really need ideas! Please dm me some!

Love you all

Em x

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