The Knight and The Princess.

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Kirito couldn't remember the last time he had been in such a heated fight.. wading into battalion after battalion, his blades becoming a whirlwind of attacks and destruction.

Slash, one goblin, slash, two goblins, slash, slash slash. That was the only thing in Kirito's mind. The only other fight he could remember which was as heated as this, was during the raid against Laughing Coffin years ago.

But even then, the enemies had numbered around 30 or so, not in a constant hordes of thousands.

Kirito felt no remorse as his eyes lit up with a furious fire, letting one blade after another cleave through the Goblin's torsos. These weren't players, these were enemies who were determined to hurt everyone dear to him.. and he had to make sure they were stopped.

Mikoto's fight with Congono had done it's purpose, everyone was in a rarin' mood to go and thrash as many of the goblins as they could, and if any of the Viros showed up, so be it, they would take them down too.

Several times, Kirito would see vast explosions of purple Frenzy Virus flames explode through the goblin hordes, and Kiri would come flying out of the sky, creating a booming shockwave as she slammed down to the earth below, throwing up rubble.

All the goblins ran whenever she came landing, for obviously she was the most ferocious thing on the battlefield. And her Frenzy Virus effect, notable by the black mist coming out of many goblin's eyes and mouths, caused the goblins to go berserk and start fighting with each other, decimating their numbers even faster.

And the explosions that raged across the battlefield from Kiri's flames would've made you think somebody had placed mines all over the battle field.

Other times, Kirito would catch glimpses of Asuna, wading through the storm, her rapier shining and thrusting out with speedy blurs, and he'd attempt to join her in the fight, but waves of goblins would come in, and he'd have to shift his focus.

It was like trying to beat your way through kudzu. The more you cut down, the more it just kept growing back.

Then Kirito's attentions were drawn when a massive club carrying troll came lumbering out of the horde, bellowing and obviously hell bent on smashing Kirito to a pulp.

Kirito crossed his blades together and blocked the club strike from the troll, a shockwave issuing from his blades as he did.. He slammed the club back and dashed forward dealing a Vorpal strike with his Night Sky Sword, while following up with a Slant from the Blue Rose Sword.

The troll grunted as glowing cuts appeared in it's hide, but it toughed out the blow and swatted Kirito to the ground with a punch.

Kirito rolled back to his feet and jumped back as another punch barely missed him. He glared at the troll, letting his blades glow again as he activated a Star Burst Stream combo.

Multiple slashes  cut into the troll, which roared in pain as the attacks continued to rage in.. but the troll toughed out even this attack, taking Kirito on with a deadly shoulder charge.

Kirito panted with exhaustion as he slid back and barely managed to keep on his feet, readying his swords again. "This isn't your average ogre class monster.. damn.. "

"KIRITO!!!" Mikoto voice yelled out. Before Kirito knew it.. a trail of lightning was barreling through the goblins like an electric freight train till Mikoto tore through and jumped onto the Troll's chest, stabbing her River Spirit and Master Sword both into the monster's heart.

Mikoto yelled, and the troll blew apart into shimmering polygons as she blasted an electric explosion all through the monstrosity.

As Mikoto leapt back and stopped with her back to Kirito's own back, Kirito grinned wearily. "Thanks, but I had him on the ropes."

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