Letter 27

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Author's note: Dedicated to thtsquawkgirl16 , thank you for voting every single chapter girl! And your last comments!! I have this creepy habit of reading it again and again and smile to myself..You have no clue how happy I am for that:)

Oohh oohh and by the way the drawing in the media box is by @prodigy5999 so thank you as well! This is just perfect for the chapter! Thank you:)

A slightly long chapter with much surprises like I promised. Hope you guys like it:) Oh and by the way this is a must comment chapter. And if you don't.... Ummm.. I'll come in your scariest nightmares.. *evil laugh* Happy Reading:)

"And if you were to ask me
After all that we've been through
Still believe in magic?
Oh yes I do...
Of course I do..." -- Magic, Cold play.


Dear Reader,

"I sometimes don't understand what is this guy's problem! Weirdo!!" Jamie exclaims.

I don't need your help or you.

I started walking away. I had to clear my head.

"Blossom please don't be upset.." I heard her behind me.

I waved my hand casually behind my back. She need not come with me. I wanted to be alone.

While walking out of college, my eyes were still in search of him. Maybe just a glance? Or maybe he had been going through something, so he just bursted out. He didn't mean what he said, right?

Or maybe he did. I had been nagging him. Forcing him to talk to me when he needed space. It wasn't his fault. He needed his own time and I was being too pushy. But he said he didn't need me.. Is that true?

Remember that time in the pub when he fought with Jake?

Even that time when I was drunk and he took me to his place??

That time when I was dreaming about him and the time I was kidnapped?

The time I hugged him.. The time I snuggled in his warmth. The moment when I felt us.. The time which we spent with each other, how it felt like infinity.

Will everything fade away with time?

Is everything so fake? So hollow?

What's the point of all these feelings then? Love? Affection? Does time overpower everything else in this universe??

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