Letter 33

117 38 48

Dedicated to @piiuuu for the terribly cute comments! You are one infatuated admirer I tell you:)

Author's note: I know I'm not supposed to be here now but umm... I'm here! Nah, actually I had a sufficient amount of data left in my phone so I was like why not? Why not use it for a holy purpose? You're laughing at me right?? See, making people laugh is a noble thing.

Every time I try to make author's note interesting, I end up screwing it up. Gawd, I'm pathetic. Ahha by the way, I've tried my hand at making covers! This one is aided by a friend but the one on the other book is cent percent of my time whiling away! Do give it a look! And obviously let me know:)

"Until the end of time, I'm longing for you..
And if you feel the same, then show me your love..
I'll give you everything that money can't buy,
And I'll always be by your side" -- End of Time, West life.


It was pin drop silence when I entered the room. No lights and absolutely nothing could be seen. I clicked my fingers for Zeus to hear me. He always responds to me like that.

Strangely this time, I heard nothing. No bark, no jumping on me. Nothing.

I walked into the darkness step by step when in the hope of reaching to the switch board or something. Something to light up this room.

I was sure I was in the living room. So this would mean I'm close to the matches those were always kept on the table.

I lit the candles on the table when I saw a figure at a distance away from me with the light from the refrigerator. It was open.

Is that you Dex?

I proceeded towards him. Step by step.

Why is he so silent?

Why so strange?

I felt a thirst as I gulped down the lump in my throat.

As I proceeded towards it, it took me a second to realize that a bag of mass laid on the counter of the kitchen, all numb and still. The dagger which was upside down hanging from the guy's hand dripping with blood.


My whole body tensed and now I tried stepping back. Away from him whoever he was. Away to see if Dexter was okay.

As soon as I turned, my arm accidentally touched the table which made a thud for him to turn and face me.

I couldn't see his face in the dark but I could feel the figure slowly coming near me.

My whole body was in an adrenaline rush and the only thing I could think of was run. Run away!

Without a further moment, I turned around and started to run. I could hear footsteps behind me chasing me through the corridor right out of the house where a chest hit my face.

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