Letter 2

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Dedicated to @WriterBells for you were a true adviser on my first book and this one too! You go girl!


Dear Reader,

We had planned to meet at seven in the evening.. But at six thirty I was still in my room among my innumerable dresses trying to pick out a perfect dress.
Let me tell you I've always sucked at choosing dresses. I've always required help.
Whatsoever I tried.. I heard a click and saw dad enter my room.. He looked sympathetic and picked out a blue dress.

Uh yeah I convinced him.. It was a lil bit difficult at the beginning but yeah I promised that I'd be back soon.. So he agreed..

"How about this?" I pursed my lips..

Nah dad, this makes me look fat.

"So, I take that as a no..." Dad sighed and clearing some dresses from the bed, and sat facing me.

"Holla people! So are we guys ready for some party!!" Grace and Jamie entered my room and I was almost frightened to death by their scream.

"I don't think so... You see we don't have proper clothes.." My dad complained.

Listening to my dad's complaints, Jamie scooped out a little black dress. I looked at it as if seeing it for the first time.

Where the hell did you find this?

"What? It was at the back of your closet!" She said throwing it at me.

Then put it back!

Why did I even buy this shit?

My eye caught the price tag and then it occurred to me oh yes sale. Don't we girls love that?

But then again, do my friends ever listen to my objections?


I was pushed in the bathroom being ordered to change in five minutes. As I wore it, I found either I was growing bigger or this dress was getting shorter. It was just above my knees making me wonder if I had bought anything for the lower part. Nope.

Nopity nopity nope.

Just me, this black dress and my not so sexy legs.

Sighing deeply I came out of the room, my dad and my best friends laughing at portrait of me while changing my pants. They were checking out the album and laughing their way to glory.

Way to go Dad.

"Those are some cute buttocks, I must say." Jamie laughed.

As they saw me coming, they paused as if they had seen a ghost or something.

"Whoaaa..." Did Jamie just whistle in front of my dad?

He obviously felt awkward. Waving me goodbye, he walked out of my room with Grace behind him to close the door behind him.

A touch of makeup after what felt like a zillion years, actually felt nice. I didn't wear much of black because I didn't quite like it but today when I did, I felt like a queen.


* * *

Dexter and George had been sitting on the stairs of the pub looking hopelessly at the mobile screens. They were probably texting us coz we were a bit late.

"Look who's here? You guys are here quite early!" George exclaimed sarcastically.

"Shut up nerd. Time to hit the dance floor!" Grace rolled her eyes.

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