Need You Now

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Katherine POV

I hurried up to find Stefan and Damon, after all, they needed my information, and I needed a drink. I met up with them at some bar outside of Atlanta, and they were in a hurry to find out what I knew. "So, what happened the night that the hunters came?" Stefan asked, getting to the point. I sat down with my drink in my hand, sipping it. "Well, first, Jesse disappeared, and then these men came to the house in the middle of the night. They kidnapped her, and brought her somewhere. I do not know exactly where, but she said there was a room, and in the middle of the room sat a pole. The pole is part of the ritual." I explained to them, leaving them to ask more questions. I tried to be as helpful as possible, this was my best friend after all, she was like the sister I never had.

The boys nodded in understanding, but Damon said fiercely, "So, what's the ritual?" I sighed, this was not the fun part. "First, when the witch is captured, they stuff powder down her throat, this renders her powers useless. Then, they bring her somewhere and tie her to the pole. Next, she is then tortured because she is a Black witch, a devil in disguise, an abomination. They do whatever they want." I finished the rest of my drink then and ordered another. The Salvatores were getting anxious, I could tell.

"What do you mean torture? Like how bad do they hurt them?" Stefan asked me with those innocent green eyes, he could be so naïve sometimes, but Damon knew, you could tell by the look on his face. I looked right into Stefan's eyes and said, "They whip, brand, slice and dice them, sometimes worse. Your grandmother was raped before she was burned." Their eyes widened, and they were speechless so I decided to go ahead with the story. "Then, when the witch is weakened and begging to be killed, they put her in a ceremonial gown, the mark of a true Black witch. That's what Sydney was wearing when I found her in the woods unconscious and alone. After the witch is changed, they tie her to the pole and burn her." Damon and Stefan looked at each other, they were wearing the same expression on their faces, they would do anything to keep this from happening to their sister. "If we can get our hands on that powder, she will still have her powers. She can take down Eben." Damon pieced together. Wow, these boys were smart after all, but they needed a plan. And we all knew that when they had plans, they were epic failures.

"I have an idea." I said.

Sydney POV

"What? Of course we will stop you! You'll get yourself killed!" Niklaus yelled. This angered me, so I yelled back fiercely, "Then let me be killed!" A fire was burning through my veins right now, and I recognized the sensation, power. I took in a deep breath and did not let my emotions control me. Nik started to walk up to me, but Elijah got in his way. Nik did not look happy, and he really did not like that Elijah was protecting me. "Back off, Niklaus." Elijah threatened. "Don't be so obvious Elijah." Nik sneered. "This is my decision, Nik, and I am asking you to respect it." I told him, but I knew he would try to protect me anyways. Niklaus shook his head, "You have to go up against a 160 year old witch hunter with demons in his body, and you are basically asking me to do nothing and let you die! Do you hear yourself!?"

I felt kind of disappointed with him, he would not respect my wish, even if it was the last thing I wanted. "If it was someone I love or me, I know who I would choose. Don't you understand? This will all end soon, and someone will die, I can feel it." I argued, and he walked away. I rolled my eyes, that was what Niklaus always did, he just walks away. If it's real you can't walk away. Lexi taught me that.

I turned to Elijah and he looked like he was thinking thoroughly. "Why did I agree to let you die again?" He asked himself. I took his face in my hands. "You respected my decision." He looked so sad in that moment and broken. "I can't lose you. Not after everything, if I lose you I won't have anything left." I shook my head, "That is not true, you'll have your family." He looked down at the floor and whispered, "If I let you do this, they will all hate me." I hated seeing Eli like this, probably because I am horrible in these kinds of vulnerable situations. Eli then connected his eyes with mine, and put his hand on mine. "If we don't have love, why would we want to live?"

I took a deep breath and dialed my best friend's number. Elena told me that Katherine went on a little trip, but that she would be back. Kat picked up on the third ring, and I could tell that she was doing something. "Hey Syd! How's everything back in Mystic Falls?" She asked me. "Bad." I grumbled back, and she sounded worried. "What happened? Did you and the big bad wolf get in a fight?" Katherine said sarcastically. I smiled a little bit, "Yes. He won't let me make my own decisions, it is quite annoying really." I told her. She laughed on the other line, "Well there's Klaus for you. What else because I am sure that is not just it. The hybrid can't bring you down." "It is going to happen soon, I saw it. I just- I won't let anyone else get hurt. If Eben wants me, he will get me, no one else should die because of me." I vented to my friend, and it felt good because she never passed judgements onto me. I heard her sigh on the other line, but I also heard a mans voice on the other line.

"Where are you exactly?" I asked her. "I am with your brothers right now. Somehow, I got involved in one of their 'let's rescue the girl' plans. You do not make my life easy, Salvatore. But, I guess I gotta love you for that too." I looked at my feet, I did not mean to cause trouble, trouble just happened to find me. "Can I talk to them?" I asked her with hope so clear in my voice. Katherine replied with a quick yes, and she gave the phone to Damon while I sat on my bed. "Hey squirt," Damon greeted me. I chuckled, hearing his voice for the first time in weeks. "Hey Day." I replied, my emotions started to get the better of me, so I told Damon to put Stefan on as well. "Sydney." Stefan said. I smiled, we were talking for probably the last time. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for putting you guys through all of this. I predict I will have a day or so left. Thank you for everything you've ever done for me." I started, my voice was getting thick with emotion and wavering. "Syd, this is not the end. We will save you." Damon said. I shook my head, "Just-just in case you don't make it. We have always stood by each other, and I love the both of you so much. And I will be haunting your asses from the other side. Don't do anything stupid, and above all, you can't lose your humanity. Hold onto the good, okay? And take care of each other, promise?" I heard a sniffle on the line, and then Stefan replied, "We promise. We should be the ones thanking you. You kept us all together, The Salvatore Stronghold." "We love you too, Syd. Hold onto that, never let that go. We're coming for you." Damon pleaded to me. I breathed, and tears were still streaming down my face as I said, "I'm counting on it brother."

The line on the phone started to get scratchy, and I could not hear another voice. A bad connection? I hung up the phone and took in what was going to happen. I did not want to die, I wanted to live life on, see the world, and be with the ones I love. I guess happiness just was not in my future. Maybe it was also part of the curse of being a Black witch, we are all born to die.

I walked into Niklaus' bedroom to find him sketching in his book. He seemed so peaceful when he sketched, he focused on his work and shut out everyone else. I did not want to disturb him, so I tried to quietly back out of the room. "What is it, love?" He asked me. I looked at him, his gaze now on me. "I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier." I said, but I could tell that he did not believe it. Nik stood up and walked up to me. "No, you came here to say goodbye." He responded. I looked down and nodded my head, I did not want to do this, but I knew that I had to. I owed it to him to say goodbye. "You're not going to die, sweetheart. I will make that you don't. I am a man of my word, and I made you a promise. No one is going to hurt you, not while I am here. I will always choose you." Niklaus spoke, his eyes locked with mine, and our lips mere inches apart.

Suddenly, my phone rang, Elena. I picked it up, and Nik said, "Saved by the phone." I rolled my eyes and said, "Hey Lena, now is not a good time." I heard a muffling in the background, but then my worst nightmares became a reality. A deep husky voice spoke on the other end of the phone. "Hello Sydney. Miss me?" I gasped and fear surged through my veins, I recognized that voice. It was the same voice that had been haunting my nightmares since 1864. "Eben."

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