Losing It

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I walked out of the mansion in the morning ready to face what was inevitable. My brothers. I was thankful Elijah calmed me down, I really did not feel like reliving the past one more time. As I walked to my new car, a red convertible, I had a bad feeling about today. Last night was just the beginning, a voice in my head whispered to me. It's time to move on, it said. I did not know why the voice said this, it must be the witches sending me a message. Something was gnawing at me, compelling me to think it was true, and eventually, I gave into it.

I took a drive around town to clear my head. I drove past the Boarding House, the Grill, Mystic Falls High, and the Town Hall. Unconsciously, I made my way to the Falls. I went here when I was human, attempting to hide from my father, but he always found me. The Falls were a place where I could always go when there was something on my mind. I remembered coming here to swim, play with my brothers, and to have some alone time. I often came here with Katherine, my best friend at the time, and she told me she was a vampire. We exchanged secrets here, and memories, as I told her about what had happened with my mother, and in return, she told me about her past, from how she had a child out of wedlock, to everything about Klaus (She didn't mention his name at the time). As I was reminiscing, the woods and trees called to me, whispering my name, almost in a warning.

Leave this place, they called. Run, they will be coming for you. Suddenly, I heard a rustle in the bushes. Alarmed, I ran towards my car. I was not fast enough. Someone tackled me, holding me down. I hadn't hunted for days, so I couldn't get myself out of the situation. "So, Sydney Salvatore, we finally meet, " the person said. I opened my eyes to see a man holding my arms and legs against the ground. I struggled against his fierce grip, but I was too weak without blood.

I was confused to why this man was stronger than me, but then I figured it out, He's a hybrid. My eyes went wide . I knew I had my phone in my pocket, but the hybrid had my arms and legs pinned. I was desperate, so I used some of what was left of my power to reach out to Rebekah. Hopefully, she came before anything bad happened.

"So, how are your brothers?" He asked me. "Who are you?" I questioned him. He snickered, taunting me. "I know your brothers, particularly Stefan. You see, Stefan killed my love, Mindy. I'm here to kill you, so he feels the same pain that I did." I swallowed hard, Rebekah needs to hurry, I used what was the last of my power on calling to her.

The hybrid smiled at how frightened I was. "This won't hurt a bit," he whispered into my ear. Just before he was about to reach into my chest to pull my heart out, he stopped. Rebekah was here. I heard her car pull up right next to mine, she was worried, I could tell. She quickly got out of the car and yelled my name, "Sydney!" she yelled. "This isn't funny! Where are you?"

Just as I was about to yell, the hybrid bit me. "AHHHH!" I screamed. The wound was deep, almost to the bone, and it hurt like hell. I felt a gust of wind blow by and soon the hybrid was off of me and on the ground, his heart out of his chest. "Oh my gosh, Sydney." Rebekah said, her voice trembling. I turned my head to look at her, and I could see the tears build up in her eyes. I was dying.

General POV

Rebekah called Damon on her way back to the mansion and told him what happened. He said he would meet her there with Stefan. Sydney was now fast asleep, exhausted from the affects of the bite. When Rebekah found her, she didn't know what to think. She felt so guilty for not coming to her best friend's aid soon enough. But, she was devastated because Niklaus wasn't in Mystic Falls, he was using the rest of Elena's blood to make his stupid hybrids. She also called Elijah and Kol, and she sent a text to Nik ordering him to come back because the girl he loves is dying, and his blood is the only cure.

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