Dead Girl Walking

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Elena is in the hospital. Dr. Fell said it was only a minor concussion, so Jeremy, Matt, Caroline, and Tyler took her home. I was suspicious because Jeremy called and said that he found Elena unconscious on the ground bleeding out of her nose. A cerebral hemorrhage.

It couldn't be. Jeremy said it was just a concussion, so I brushed it off and told my brothers. When I told them, both of them went into high alert. "Calm down, her friends are with her. She's fine." I said. This seemed to comfort them a little. I could always get them to do what I wanted.

Stefan called me crying. "Elena is dead. Her and Matt saw something in the road and swerved, driving off Wickery Bridge." He told me. "Where are you?" I asked. "At the hospital." "I'm on my way." I hung up, and sat on the couch to let everything sink in. I could feel a single tear slide down my cheek, Stop it Sydney, your brothers need you to be strong.

I got in the car and drove to the hospital to find Caroline and Jeremy in the waiting room, both of them were crying. I went straight for Jeremy, trying to comfort him first. "Shh, shh it's going to be okay." I cooed, hugging him. Then I looked at Caroline and said,"We will all be okay." Just then, a nurse came in and said, "Is there a Sydney Salvatore here?" I raised my hand and she came over to me. "Matt would like to see you, if that's okay." I nodded, looked at Caroline and Jeremy and went to Matt's room.

I walked in to see Matt hooked up to an IV. It took all of my strength not to cry. He drowsily opened his gorgeous blue eyes and smiled, "Hey," he welcomed. "Hi," I whispered. "Matt, you need your rest." He shook his head, but I could tell he was trying to fight it. "Sleep," I whispered, "I'll stay with you for a while." Matt moved over in the hospital bed so that i would have some room. I got in the bed and sang him to sleep.

Once I knew he would not wake up, I let the tears flow. I sobbed like a baby, while I stroked Matt's hair. I was grief stricken. I couldn't sleep, I wouldn't sleep. I didn't even notice him coming into the room until he said, "Sydney, your brothers need you." I nodded then got out of the bed and hugged him. "Too many people have died Eli," I said, my head nuzzled into his neck. "I know." He agreed.

When I pulled myself together, I quickly kissed Matt on the cheek and walked out of the room with Elijah's arm hovering near the small of my back. I walked into a small room with the shades closed, and there lied a dead Elena. "She's in transition." Damon said. I had not realized that both my brothers and Bonnie were all in the room with Elijah and I. Damon eyed Elijah's arm touching my back and gave me a we-will-talk-about-this-later looks.

"What! How could you let this happen?!" I scolded. Stefan looked at me with such guilt, I knew he was the one to find them in the water. "What can I do?" I asked. "Since you were the one who taught Stef the bunny diet, we thought you could teach her." Damon suggested. "No, I need Sydney to help me look through grimories to find a cure." Bonnie demanded. They got in a stare down until I interrupted, "I can do both." I stated. Just then, Elena came back to life. We all huddled aroujnd her, making sure she was okay. We told her what happened and she started to cry.

Bonnie and I went to the Boarding House to get my grimories. I had about 4 of them, all of them had helped me when I was a witch. "Okay, you check in those two and I will look in these." I said pointing to the grimories. We started to look through them, one after the other, but we couldn't find anything, until..."Sydney!Oh my gosh I found it!It's a cure for vampirism!" Bonnie said excitedly. I sighed in relief, I was so worried that Elena would be a vampire forever. But then, Bonnie's face changed from happy to confused to shocked.

"What is it?" I asked intently. "The's not for a regular vampire.." Bonnie looked up at me, shocked, "It's for you."

I ran. I ran to the only place I felt I was wanted, needed, and belonged: The Mikealson Mansion. It was visible on my face that I had been crying. I was an emotional wreck. Barging into the mansion, I walked right into the living room where the Mikealson men stood, talking. I did not make my presence known immediately. "Elijah, is she alright?" Klaus asked. "Oohhh, we're talking about Niklaus's girl from the 20's! I want to meet her, is she pretty?" A strangely familiar voice said. Elijah growled, "Stay away from her Kol, she is a very important girl." Are they talking about me?

Then, I walked into the room and said, "Aww, thanks Elijah, you're important too." They all look shocked to see me here, especially the guy named Kol. "Do I know you?" I asked him. "I don't think so, I would have remembered you." He winked at me. "Whatever, you probably compelled me to forget you anyways."I said shrugging. He was a little startled at that, and by now both Niklaus and Elijah were staring at Kol like he was their next meal. I smiled, "So that's a yes."

Niklaus stared at me for what felt like hours, but were actually mere seconds. "What's wrong?" He asked coming closer to me. He actually sounded concerned. "Nothing, do you know where Rebecca is?" "Upstairs in her room." Elijah said. I smiled a tad and walked out of the room and up the stairs.

A gust of wind swerved behind me, Niklaus. He came up to me with puppy dog looking eyes and asked again, "What's wrong, love? I want to help." He took my hands and led me to his bedroom. I let my heart get the best of me and decided to tell him. "Bonnie found a spell that can turn me back into a human."I whispered. After I said that, he pulled me into a warm embrace. "I don't know what to do,"I cried on his shoulder.

He was so caring, so gentle when he was with me. It was as though the world had ended, but we were the only two left on the planet. Snap out of it, Sydney! You can't do this...But I want to, so much that he is all I think about sometimes. Ughhh this is NOT easy! The next thing I knew Niklaus kissed my forehead and said, "I understand. Just listen to your heart,love. Everything will be okay." "How do you know that?"I said, tears still streaming down my face. "Because I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

I fell asleep in his arms.

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