Meeting the Night Class

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Shiho was in the library.

He was trying to find out more secrets about Shizuka Hiou after his encounter with her and Ichiru.

Shiho: Shizuka Hiou was the ex-finance of Rido Kuran....She also was the one responsible for the massacre of the Kiryu Clan leaving Zero alive but turned into a Level E and taking Ichiru with her. But there's more to her than meets the eye.

Suddenly he heard voices outside the library. He sneaked towards the door and opens it up a bit to notices some of the vampires in the Night Class. Most of them look like they were from Kaname's inner circle....Oh joy...

Shiho hopes they don't notice him and his hunter's scent.

Ruka: I didn't know hunters like to spy on vampires.

Well...Shit...Oh well...He would've been found out sooner of later.

Kain: Come on out, there's no point in hiding? We know you're there.

Shiho comes out of his hiding.

Shiho: Alright you got me...

The vampires stared in shock when they saw him. He looked at them in confusion.

Shiho: What, were you guys expecting Zero Kiryu in the flesh?

Aido: Shiho-chan? What are you doing here?!

Kain: You know him Aido?

Aido: I...Uh...Well...

Ruka: You befriended a hunter?! How dare you keep something from Kaname-sama? You should be punished.

Takuma Rima and Senri were watching close behind.

Rima: He's so going to get it...

Senri nods while eating pocky.

Shiho sweatdrops. Obviously this conversation isn't going nowhere.

Shiho: Umm...Hello?

The vampires looked at him.

Shiho: Yeah, me and Aido are friends, so what? Besides I'm pretty sure Zero wouldn't mind that much.

Aido: Why do you want to talk about that filthy Level E so much?

Shiho glared at him which Aido to flinched.

Shiho: Ya know, Aido it is not nice to talk about people that way. Zero is a person, not something that is yesterday's trash!

A massive glow was around showing that he was angry. The vampires all looked a little scared seeing the young hunter like that. After a while he returned to normal.

Shiho: Look, I'm not here to pick fights. I just want some information.

Takuma: Like what Shiho-san.

Shiho: About the Mad Blooming Princess. I'm pretty sure you all know her.

The vampires stared in shock before nodding.

Aido: But how do you know her?!

Shiho: You've met Maria Kuranai?

They all nodded.

Shiho: I wouldn't trust her if I were you.

"I surely don't" Hanabusa had admitted.

Akatsuki: This is what we have about her.

Kain pulled out a sheet about Maria as Shiho begin to read.

Shiho: Maria Kurenai was admitted after having done all proper procedures and pledge, she seems to have been in poor health since she was born.

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