Shiho's Secret

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Shiho was in the science lab all by himself as he examines the test tubes as he performs the test. He looks at the results before writing it down. He makes a smirk.

Shiho: It's almost done. Now for the finishing touch.

His eyes glowed blue as he pulls out his hand and performed a spell on the test tube that was glowing with some kind of red liquid.

Shiho wipes the sweat off his head as he stared at his creation.

Shiho: It's a chance this could work. If it does then I have found the cure....


Shiho chuckles in amusement as he watches Yuki and Zero argue.

Yuki: Auuugh! You were supposed to be helping me with the day class. But instead you left poor Shiho to help me!

Zero: At least he's doing his job.

Yuki: Hey! You jerk!

Shiho: I swear you two fight like an old couple.

Zero and Yuki: We are not a couple!

Shiho laughs before he stop and sensed something was wrong.

He looks ahead and saw a few members from the Association and Yagari. This could not be good....

Shiho: State your business.

Man: We have no business with you Fujioka. Our business is with Kiryu.

Zero glare at them.

Zero: What's your business with me?

Man: Zero Kiryu, for committing murder of a pure blood Shizuka Hiou, by the command of the supreme institution of vampires, the senior council, you are sentenced to death.

Shiho and the two guardians stared in shock.

Shiho: Oh hell no!!! Zero has never killed anyone other than a Level E!
(Damn you Kaname Kuran! Because of your actions, you just had to get Zero in trouble! Or maybe this is part of your plan?!)

Man: We take pride in our duty to protect the pure blood nobles as the Council of Ancients, but you managed to escape our eyes and get your hands on Shizuka Hiou, as far as we are concerned pure blooded vampires are a sacred existence, anyone who inflicts so much as a small cut on any one of them should expect to be executed Zero Kiryu!

Shiho: Bull-shit! It sounds like you guys couldn't do your job right, so your pointing fingers at the first scape goat you can find!

The man hiss at him before could attack him Zero grabs him and pulls him away from Shiho.

Man: How dare you! This is serious crime! Can only be paid with your one mortal life, a cheap price"

Zero breaks his hand, the man lets out a screech of pain. The other members from the Association grabbed their weapons but couldn't bring them out when Shiho points his twin daggers at them and Yuki pulls out Artemis Rod.

Man: You broke my hand, but that will not stop us, we will have you executed!!

Shiho: Oh shut up! Quick whining about your hand being broken. Zero did not kill Shizuka. Where is your proof?

Instead of getting out proof one of the Associaton members tried to attack Shiho with his weapons.


Man: W-What?!

The man's weapon was gone and Shiho was now behind him with his dagger near his neck.

Shiho: Leave. Now. Or there will be bloodshed.

Another one pointed their gun at Shiho's head.

Yuki: Shiho-chan!

Zero: Look Out!

A gunshot ranged as the bullet charged towards Shiho's head. But didn't impaled because it didn't get the chance to come near him. Because the bullet was turned to Ice.

Man: W-What?!

Aido and the Night Class, including Kaname Kuran showed up. Of course Aido was the one who frozed the bullet with his power.

Kaname: The Council of Ancients has consented to attend this school, it was already an inevitable matter to have that women hunt down Kiryu, however the pure bloods 'sacredness' and for the sake of protecting it, why must Kiryu be executed?

Shiho know the consequences be damned. The vampires had dropped to their knees at Kaname's presents.

Man: Kaname Kuran, if a pure blood noble such as yourself stands in our way, we would be unable to fulfil our duties, we would like you to leave with your honourable school friends.

Kaname: I had thought, I made special efforts to warn against dishonouring this academy with any foolish behaviour. Especially from dogs of the Council of Ancients. Disappear. Now.

Man: The fact you defend Zero Kiryu, will be reported back to the Council of Ancients Lord Kaname and the guardians.

Shiho: You do that.

Man: You should be quiet brat. We be also after you as well. Just wait.

The Association then leave.

Some of the vampires surrounded Shiho.

Aido: Shiho-chan! Are you okay?!

Rima: He didn't hurt you anywhere did he?

Shiho: Guys I'm fine.

He looked at Zero who looked like he had troubled with his breathing...Unless...

Shiho: Zero?

Zero looks up at him and his eyes were red.

Shiho: Shit...I guess it's time...Time for all of this to end.

Everyone was confused by what he meant by that.

Shiho went towards Zero and pulls out the test tube. Zero stared at it and notice it was red.

Yuki: Z-Zero...

Shiho: Drink.

Zero grabs it and begins to drink. The taste was bitter.

Suddenly he felted some relief. The sickening in his stomach and he felt like something had died in him. Like his hunger. His eyes returned to normal.

Shiho made a smile.

Shiho: Yes! It worked! Finally after 4 years it worked!

Kain: W-What?

Zero: Shiho-chan? W-What did you do?

Everyone was confused, espically Kaname.

Shiho: I cured you of the Level E status. I finally managed to find the cure and now, you're saved.

Everyone stared in shock.

Yuki: What...So that means...

Shiho: Zero is no longer a level E. He's still a vampire which is the sad part but he's cured...

Zero didn't know what to say but he let his body do the talking. He ran to Shiho and gave him a hug.

Shiho: Z-Zero?

Zero: Thank You.

Shiho made a smile and returned the hug. Yuki smiled at the scene while the vampires stilled stared meanwhile Kaname had a glare on his face. The boy had interfered with one of his plans.

Yuki: But how did you do it?

Shiho: Oh...I just worked with a little magic and a few spell books.

Ruka: Wait. So I don't get it. So what are you? You're not really a hunter are you?

Shiho looks at them.

Shiho: I'm still a hunter. But now it's time y'all know. I'm not just a hunter.

......I'm also a mage...

To be continued...

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