Shiho's dark side

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Shiho: Ugggh. Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you!

Yagari was following Shiho back to the school after the whole mess with Zero biting Yuki again. Yagari shot Zero through the arm when he tried to bite Yuki and it pissed Shiho off. Not that he didn't care for Yuki's safey but Yagari trying to execute Zero.

Yagari: I don't get it. Why were you and Cross's daughter trying to protect Zero when you know what your mission is from the Association.

Shiho's mission was to kill Zero if he ever falls to the Level E status and be consume into madness.

Shiho: Do not remind me, Yagari! You forget, Zero is my friend and Yuki had the right to protect him!

Yagari narrows his only eye.

Yagari: Maybe it's because your going soft.

Shiho: Don't start there! Don't even bring up any excuse on how come I'm not carrying out my mission. After all I don't even trust the Association!

Yagari: But Zero has become a mon-?!

Shiho: Don't even go there either! God just hearing all of this crap makes my skin crawl. You forget Yagari that Zero was one of your previous pupil. Or maybe your still holding a judge on him because of what happen to your eye.

The two hunters were now pissed off to be in each others presence. Yagari pointed his gun near Shiho's head while Shiho pointed his knife towards his neck.

A silence filled the hallways.

Shiho: You leave first.

Yagari: Alright, but don't forget your mission, afterall you are a hunter.

Shiho lets our a bitter chuckle.

Shiho: Are you that stupid or your just getting old, Old Man. In case you forgot, you were the one who forced me to become a hunter. You should've realize in the first place, I never wanted to become a hunter at all. You should reconsider your decision on how you took things too far when you shot Zero. He still trying to control himself. So reflect on your actions Toga. Because if you try to pull a stunt like that again.

Shiho walks up to the older hunter and grabs his jacket pulling him towards his face.

Shiho: If you even dare, I would make sure there's bloodshed. Even if you are one of us.

Yagari shudder at the words. He should really reflect on his actions when he encounters the young hunter, espically when Shiho's around. Because Shiho is far more scarier than any person he ever met. Like a dog, his bite is worse than his bark.

Shiho: I'll see you soon...

Yagari watchs him leave and sighs. He really needs to watch what he say at points. He bet Shiho expecting an apology for Zero. But no, he knows Zero is stubborn to get an apology or be looked down with pity.

Yagari: I could've swore his eyes turned blue. Is it possible....

Over the years of watching Shiho, he knows that this isn't the first time his eyes turned blue. Shiho was young, he proved to be a extraordinary hunter with mysterious powers. he had this experience when he gets angry.

This proved that Shiho isn't a vampire or any supernatural creature.

But at the same time he isn't fully human. But something else. Out of everyone of the school, only Cross knows.

Yagari: I just met the dark side of the devil.


Shiho makes it back to his dorm where he finds Yoru reading a book.

Yoru: You're back. So did anything happen?

Shiho: Nothing.

Yoru: Okay. You should take a shower before bed.

Shiho: Right.

Yoru: Because you want Zero to notice you.

Shiho: Yeah....Wait what?!! (How did he knew?!!!)

Yoru: Geez you're like a school girl whose trying to get her Senpai to notice her. After all, I bet you be having wet dreams about him.

Yoru put on a perverted grin when he saw Shiho blushed very hard.

Shiho: WTF Yoru?!!! What's going on through that thick head of yours?!

Yoru: Lots of things.

Shiho: There's nothing going on between me and Zero.

Yoru: They say denial is the first thing. I bet you really do like him. Like how you like his *Static* to be up your *Static*!

Shiho: O/////////O?!!!!! WTH am I talking to you?! Go to sleep you prevert!!

Yoru laughs before going to sleep.

Shiho lets out a sigh. His roommate is someday going to be the death of him...But right now...He needs to get ready for that party that Cross has invited him and others too. Shiho learns that the day class and night class are going to be attending together. He knows Zero and Yuki will be attending even if Zero don't wamt too. But the problem is....Is Shizuka and Ichiru attending...Because if they are? Then everyone needs to be on their guard. Also with Zero falling to madness...

Which is why he has a plan to save Zero.

Shiho: Know all I have to do is work on a cure. It's risky but I do it. It's a 50% chance it could work.

It's a good thing no one knows what he's planning out yet. Because his plan will soon turn the Academy upside down.

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