Chapter 28: Forever Black Eyed

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Adalia's eyes widened. She knew it would happen, Anya had kept on bringing it up. She told herself over and over again that all would be fine and that she'd find a way to help. She told herself she'd be ready, that she'd fight for her people. But when the moment came, she wasn't ready. She wasn't expecting this. She should have.

She kept quiet. She wrapped her arms around Luliana's waist as she guided their horse towards the entrance of the village. As they slowly and quietly approached the entrance and turned around the last house, they were met face to face with an entire army of Grounders.

Dressed in all black, warpaint covering their faces and machetes in their hands. Adalia knew that the masks covering their lower face blocked the view to their sadistic smile. Some of them were on horses while others on the ground, sharpening their weapons. There was at least fifty Grounders standing before them, getting ready for the signal.

Getting ready to massacre her friends.

Adalia felt Luliana tense up a little, gripping the reins tightly. She quickly relaxed, quietly making her way towards the crowd and stopping near the very end. The both of them let out a sigh of relief as the Grounders around them paid no attention whatsoever to them. They were too busy sharpening their weapons and awaiting command.

Suddenly, a loud noise was heard throughout the entire forest. War drums. Everyone went completely silent before rapidly lifting their gaze from the ground. They all gripped their swords and spears tightly, smirking underneath their masks. Some took out their machetes while others took out their bows and arrows.

That was the signal.

Without waisting another second, they all started marching along the path towards the forest. Luliana gave her friend a quick glance, nodding before making their horse move forward and follow the rest of the crowd. They quickly entered the forest, disappearing between the trees. They walked slowly, they were in no hurry. Nothing stood a chance against them. They knew it.

Adalia took in a deep breath, she had no idea what the plan was. She'd just have to trust Luliana on this one. She hid her face in her friend's back. She knew no one would be able to recognize her with the way she was now dressed and the warpaint smeared on her face and neck, yet she felt safer as she closed her eyes and let the world turn to black.


They had been riding for hours now. The war drums hadn't even stopped, they had accompanied them all along the way. It was still early in the morning, the sky was pale and in the forest, they were surrounded with fog. People were getting impatient, letting out battles cries in hope for this to go any faster. They were impatient to reach the bridge.

The same bridge where the meeting between Grounders and Sky People had taken place. The same bridge the delinquents had last seen Adalia alive. That bridge was the easiest and quickest way to get to the enemy. The Grounders were all too busy being impatient that they hadn't even noticed one of their own trailing off the path.

Luliana had been discretely guiding their horse at the far right of the crowd, falling behind and slowly but surely going into another direction. No one was truly paying attention to them at the moment. She shook her head, letting out a small sigh before returning to getting them completely out of sight from the others.

''Luliana.'' a calm voice stopped her dead in her tracks.

The girl closed her eyes, recognizing the voice. In other circumstances, she would be relieved to hear him but not right now. She took in a deep breath, scared to look over her shoulder, knowing he'd be there with that same cold stare and empty eyes. Empty eyes that pierced through her soul, as if he knew everything about her. She couldn't hide from him.

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