Freedom Finally

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I woke up tied to a chair and my head feels like its going to explode.I tried grabbing a pocket knife that is tied around my right leg.I like to put it there.It is the least place for an enemy to suspect.I bend down and tried to reach it.My backbone feels like its going to come out any second.

"Damn,That is one fine-ass."Someone said.I looked at the mirror in front of me and saw him.A handsome Canadian soldier standing there.I turn around and said to him

"Let me go you cheeky bastard."He smirked and pull my chair outside the building.He looked at me and said

" are free now."His smile grew bigger while his nose expanded turning his face into a creepy smile.I froze in shock how weird his face is.Then,he walk off to the forest.

"Hey,Where the FUCK you think you're going?"I shouted at the top of my lungs.He turned around and raised an eyebrow saying

"Calm down,Calm down and chill.I must help my squad-mates busting your squad-mates."He laughed and ran i'm stuck here.Wait,this is actually great!I push my self until i got up and stand.I,then began to ran back as fast as i could until i hit the building's wall.It does hurt,but this is the only way for me to free myself,

The chair is breaking slowly after a couple a times.After one final attempt,I manage to free myself.I went back inside the building to grab my weapons and shit,but I couldn't find it nowhere.Then,I spotted it nicely sitting on a couch.Guess this is where people used to wait in the post office before sending their mails.Just when I'm about to grab them,someone grab me from behind and knead my breasts.I turned around just to see..


I pretend to go and help my squad-mates and leave the Ashley behind,Yes,I saw her name through her name tag.After standing pointlessly about 5 minutes,I went back and saw what I wanted to see.The chair was broken and was in pieces.I creep slowly and take a look inside the building.There she was.She was looking quite lost.She must been looking for her stuffs.I purposely put her stuff in a corner,when she walked there I quickly grabbed her from behind,while I'm in this situation,I took the opportunity to grab her breasts.Feels amazing.

She was taken aback and shouted
"LET ME GO!YOU SCUMBAG SHIT."She manage to turn around and spit on me.Anger started to boil in me so I push her down and tied her to another chair.This time double everything.I ties her to a double chair so it's heavier and she can't lift it easily .I,then spit on her neck both sides.I lean down and smirked.She was scared and angry alright.I lick both of my spits that were at her neck.She moans slowly and whimper cutely.She is so so cute.
Then,something unexpected happened.She started to cry.
"Why?please why?"she mumbled slowly while sniffing.Great,now I feel bad.She was about to say something,when suddenly she passed out.
I freak out and untied her was about to carry her to the bathroom.when suddenly out of nowhere,she swoop her leg at my face.I fell down and touch my face.I had a big ass mother****** bruise,and blood coming out of my nose.She,then quickly ran outside.I try to ran after her,but stumble.All I saw was her running into the woods.I punched the wall in anger and goes to the bathroom to clean up myself.

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