Love At First Sight In Battle

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We already have a plan that we got from the our Commander'n chief.He said that we're just have to defend a town that has a giant tower that the Canadians use against us.So,we could never let that happen.Now we are taking our positions in the town.Its been hours since we've been standing guard but we have to stay focus.Then,a wizzing sound were heard.We all looked up and saw a bomb heading our way.I quickly shout

"Get to cover,lads!".I jumped and ran quickly in to an old building that i suggest it was a post office that has been left because of the war.I barely made in as the bombs rain from the sky.

I peak by the door and saw the canadians coming our way.They began to open fire at us.We quickly fired back keeping them in place.I've killed more than 2 now.They kept doing the same thing.Whenever they tried jumping out of their cover and positions, quickly shot them to death.I hold up my walkie-talkie and called for reinforcements.It looks like the Canadians were all targeting this town.It must be the giant tower why they are here.they can get a bird-eye view from there and they can also snipe us and get a good radio service.

Now,i'm staying at my position not wanting to move.Its a strategic place for me.They tried grenading me but whenever they do,i quickly ran back into the old post office and coming back out after the grenade explosion happened.We've been battling for nearly an hour.They keep trying to advance but we kept nading them and shooting.

Then,i spotted a Canadian soldier that appear to looked very handsome and cute.I thought to myself is this love at first sight?I don't know.Just then,a bullet enters my right shoulder and i fell.I crawl into the post office and went in the bathroom. I washed my injured part body and open my bulletproof vest and place in on top of the toilet bowl.

I began to feel dizzy and i fell down and i my vision was blur.And all i see was darkness.


We have pushed the British back.I'm happy to be in this fight rather than staying at our #1 checkpoint that is near the first time i nearly got blown up by a mine.The British fallback,but before that they nade the giant tower which was our primary objective.More than 20 of them nade the tower to make sure it got down.Now,we have to secured the dead British.We also stole their weapons,drinks and more.Then,i walked past that i think was an old post office.When i looked at the door,i suddenly get this vision of memory where i saw an injured British soldier crawled in here.It was a lady,And i'm pretty sure that she didn't came out.So,i raised my weapon and checked inside.I checked behind the counter,the dumpster,The staff room,The boss room and finally the bathroom.I walked carefully and opened it.It reveals an injured British soldier who was a lady.She was so beautiful.She opens her eyes and looked at me terrified.I just bent down and smiled.

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