Bringing Them Down

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 "We got one of their choppers down,YEAH!"A voice said in a radio.I cheered happily with my batalion.Even though,itsprobably  only 1 out of 100,it is still a minor success for us.Before i go on,My name is AshleyMariee Surcombe.I'm a Commander rank in the British Army which is pretty outstanding for a woman.The British's army and I,were in a war with the canadians due to some matters,but i dont give a damn.

 Ashley's Pov

 My batalion and I  were hiding behind bushes,logs and trees,even the mud.This was a plan  planned by our Commander'n Chief.He said that we were outnumbered so he decided that the paratroopers was going to go and take out as many Canadians Choppers/helicopters when they reach our beloved land.Thats our paratroopers part.While 400+ British batalions,were hiding near the forest that was nearby our paratroopers.We could see their choppers dodging our missiles and getting hit by it.Our plan was to attack them when our paratrooopers are left with nothing or die,we would come out and kill the remaining canadians soldiers.

 That was our plan.But,The canadians were not straight forward as we thought,They began to split up and began to past us.Our paratroopers were trying hard to get them down,but only to be fed by their machine or gattling guns.Our paratroopers also were getting sniped from the choppers.Soon,our paratroopers died.Their choppers fly a bit low and ropes were thrown out of the choppers.

 Each choppers,about 4 soldiers jumped down using the ropes and secured the area.They also took our paratroopers weapons and grenades.I creep closer and soon counted about 20-25 squads of British soldier.They soon came closer to my men hideout.We hold the grenade at our hand and got ready.They came closer and closer,we pull the pin and counted..1..2..3..THROW!BOOM! The grenades hit many of the canadian soldiers who were taken by shock quickly retreated.

 We suppresive fire our guns towards their direction hoping to keep them down and out of sight.Then,A bigger Canadian chopper emerges,and look at us before firing us with its miniguns.It wasn't acurate,but some of my men got hit by its big-ass bullets.Just,then it fired a missile.I quickly turn around and run while my men cover me.Then,our officers ordered us to return to the first fallback point.We just followed his order.

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