BTS' Jimin

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Shut up I know I'm toooooooo late but just read it will ya? (Sorry if it looked like it had been done in a rush because I did it in a hurry.)

You walk into your class with your two best friends, Jimin and Taehyung.

You have been secretly crushing on your own best friend, Taehyung, and nobody else knows about it except for Jimin, your other best friend.

You then see a bouquet of flowers on your seat followed by boxes of chocolates placed on your table.

You widened your eyes in surprise as you look to all your classmates, who's eyes are all on you.

"Uhh... Who does this belong to? And why is it in my table??" You asked everyone awkwardly.

"Of course you. Duh." Namjoon, one of the bullies in your class said.

"This doesn't belong to me." You told them as you pointed to the gifts.

"Isn't it obvious that someone gave you those?" Jungkook, a friend of yours, pointed out.

You looked at Taehyung, secretly hoping that he was the one that gave you those, but he just stared at you in return as if he really has no idea on who sent them.

You sighed. Why would he give you such stuffs anyway.

Don't get your hopes too high. You thought to yourelf but your mind kept on telling you that Taehyung is the one responsible for the gifts.

"B-but--" "Just take it or leave it already." Taehyung cut you off and shrugged.

"I'm not gonna take it! That's just the same as stealing!" You said.

"No it isn't. Someone gave it to you, so you should just accept it." Jimin said.

You sighed, "Fine, but where should I put them?"

You looked back at the chocolates and the roses.

You really love chocolates, and roses are your favorite type of flowers.

The person who sent me those must be close to me to know what I really like and don't like. You thought.

You grabbed the note placed beside the boxes of chocolates and unfolded the paper to see what's inside.

Dear Y/N,

I have been your secret admirer since a long time ago but I didn't have the courage to confess to you in person so I did this instead. I hope you like the gifts because I know they're your favorites. As for now I won't tell you who I am, yet I will still continue to send you gifts until it's the right time for me to tell you who I really am. Have a nice day! C:

Your secret admirer.

You reread the note for two more times before confirming that what you're seeing is real.

The person's handwriting looked like it had been changed purposely for you to not recognize it, but it still looked ridiculously familiar to you.

Yet you can't seem to remember whose handwriting it belongs to although you tried very hard to think.

"Y/N!" Your mind got snapped back into reality when you heard your teacher call you.

"Huh?" You asked dumbfounded, as you looked to your other classmates only to find them seated in their proper seats, staring back at you.

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