Got7's Jr

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Part 2 of the last Jr imagine requested by @JrLJoe. I used to hate writing angst, but now strangely I kinda like it and I don't even know why.

Jinyoung ran through the dark halls of the hospital, searching for the right room where you were treated at.

He was panicking, his heart was beating incredibly fast, and tears wouldn't stop slipping down his face.

He kept on wondering whether you're okay or not, and he kept on blaming himself for just letting you off like that.

Finally after a while at searching, he found the room where you were at.

He bursted through the door, and his expression immediately softened when he saw you lying there on the bed, still unconscious.

Another tear slipped through his cheeks while he approached you.

"I'm so sorry, Sarah. I shouldn't have just let you go like that. This is all my fault, I'm so sorry." He choked on his words, tears still wouldn't stop flowing down his cheeks. He couldn't control them, they just slipped down his face.

He sat on the chair next to you and waited for you to wake up, whether when it'll be, tomorrow, the next day after tomorrow, or the next few days. He'd always be there to wait for you.

He wouldn't care how long it would take for you to finally wake up, as long as you will wake up.


Your hand twitched, yet again, and again for the third time.

You furrowed your brows in your sleep as if in deep thought and managed to slightly open them with a bit of strength.

You were staring at a plain white ceiling.

Where am I? You thought.

You felt some weight over your right hand so you turned your head to your right only to find a guy with his head rested on the bed and his hand on top of yours. His face was covered so you didn't recognized him.

You tried sitting up, which caused the bed to move a little bit, and the guy beside you to wake up.

He shot his head up and you both met each other's eyes.

Jinyoung. What is he doing here? You thought.

And then the scene of the time when you broke up with him came across your mind.

Your breath hitched up and you couldn't find the courage to look at him in the eyes anymore.

And then another scene appeared. The moment you ran out of the building and tried ending your life.

You were breathing heavily and you couldn't control it anymore, as you unintentionally gripped Jinyoung's hand tightly.

He looked at you, panic evident in his face.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you need me to call the doctor?" He asked hurriedly, preparing to leave the room to call some doctors over.

Doctor? So I'm at the hospital? You thought as you scanned the room, your breathing still unstable. No wonder the room smelled like medicine.

You shook your head and shut your eyes, attempting to slower down your breathing.

"Are you sure? You don't look fine to me--" "I'm okay, I don't need the doctor." You finally managed to speak up for the first time after waking up, and your breathing starting to calm down.

He, too, calmed down and sat down again, scanning through your face carefully. And that made you feel nervous and uncomfortable.

"Hey, what happened to you? You scared me to death, do you know?" He sighed.

You then realized that you're still holding his hand as you let it go.

"Nothing. Just a small accident." You muttered, looking somewhere far over the distance.

"I'm sorry." He finally managed to utter those two words.

Tears started brimming around your eyes, "What are you sorry for? And why are you even here?" You asked him harshly.

"Because this is all my fault. I should've stopped you. I shouldn't have left you. And because of that, this happened." He said sympathetically.

You shook your head, "It's not your fault, really. So you can leave now."

"Sarah--" "Leave." You ordered, your voice firm.

"I'm so sorry, I mean it." He said for the last time.

You clenched your fists. Part of you wanted him to leave and part of you didn't.

He stood up but you grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to his seat again, looking away as you did as you were ashamed of your actions.

You could imagine him giving you a shocked face so you decided to speak up after a moment, "Stay."

You then heard him chuckle.

You narrowed your eyes on him, "What's so funny?"

He shook his head, "Nothing. It's just that earlier you told me to leave yet now you wanted me to stay?"

You bit your lips nervously, "Then just leave if you want to."

He shook his head again, "No, I want to stay. I'd be glad to."

You couldn't help it, a smile just made it's way to your lips.

"Oh, you're smiling!" He exclaimed.

"I am not!" You denied, covering your face but your hands accidentally hit your head, and you winced in pain. It hurts so bad.

You just noticed that you had just experienced an accident not long ago and your head was still wrapped with some cloth.

"Hey, be careful, will you?" He 'tsked' at you and held your face, checking if you were okay or not.

You looked at him and he looked back at you with eyes full of affection. You'd just noticed how close your faces are.

He sighed, "Look, I know that we ended our relationship in a pretty bad way and something really bad happened after that but... Can we start over again?"

You smiled widely and nodded. After a long time, you finally felt happy. You never wanted to break up with him in the first place anyway.

He breathed in a sigh of relief before hugging you tightly, "Thank you! I promise that we'll go though this together. I know we can."

You didn't wanted to disturb the sweet moment but you had to as he had hugged you too tightly, totally forgetting that you had injuries all over your body.

"Ouch! It hurts! Don't you remember I just got into an accident?!" You cried.

He immediately let go of you and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry."

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