Jae-ha x Reader : Love Drunk {LEMON}

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"(F/N)-dear~" You heard someone say as they walk towards you.

And by someone you obviously meant Jae-ha. The green dragon was drunk again and as usual he would come to you.

You sighed as you saw him coming closer while he simply smirked. At this exact moment, you knew he was going to bother you. That's why you sighed and stared at him with an annoying look.

He smiled like an idiot as he decided to sit beside you.

Ever since you had joined Yona and all the others, Jae-ha had picked an interest in you. Well, you only thought of him as a womanizer and since you and Yona were the only girls here, he had no choice but to try something with you. He respected the red haired way too much for that.

"You're so pretty, (F/N)-dear. You know that, don't you?"

You looked away as you tried to avoid him while waiting for the others to come back. Though Jae-ha wouldn't stop being a tease and you were well aware for that.

The green dragon came closer to you and approached his lips to your ear, "I want to show you how beautiful I think you are..."

Before you could have analyzed what he had just said, Jae-ha licked your neck and softly bit your earlobe. You jumped in surprised and pushed him away, with your face as red as Yona's hair.

"W-what are you doing?" You stuttered, unable to think straight since you were still under the shock.

Jae-ha smirked sensually as he licked his lips and approached you once again. You were quite frighten of what his intentions were by now but you didn't have the time to think as he pinned you down to the ground and stared at you intensely.

"We're in the forest... The others might come soon and-" you tried to defend yourself, though it was absolutely useless since the green hair dragon had already locked his lips on yours.

Your eyes widened and you instinctively tried to get away from his grip, only to be held tighter by Jae-ha who groaned as he probably didn't want you to leave.

When you thought it would be over, Jae-ha pinched your hips and pulled his tongue inside your mouth. You didn't fight for dominance, but you tried to resist him as you pushed on his tongue with yours. He smiled during your making out and once you both were in need for air, he finally left your face, but stayed on top of you.

You stared at him as he gently stroked your cheek, murmuring soft words to you, "I've wanted to do this to you for so long..."

You kept your mouth closed but didn't think less of it. He was saying all those things because he couldn't hold his liquor and you were well aware of that. But the thing is that you had always found him attractive and nice, and couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy. So, being the center of his attention right now was something unbelievably pleasing to you. Nevertheless, you didn't want to get hurt and that's why you wished to leave.

"You're the only girl that I want, young miss~"

He started taking off your dress as he left a few hickeys right above your breasts, "L-Let me go, Jae-ha..." You managed to say, though it didn't come as loud as you wished it would.

He shook his head off as he rubbed his nose against your bare skin, making you shiver. Jae-ha chuckled as he entirely got rid off your outfit to seductively run his lips through your chest and stomach. As he arrived in front of your panties, you blushed and tried to make him snap out of his drunkenness.

"It's not funny anymore, you idiot! Let go of me."

"I know you enjoy it, (F/N)."

He was right, and you couldn't oppose to that. The boy smiled happily and breathed against the fabric making a soft moan coming from your mouth.

You placed a hand above your face, embarrassed because of your reaction and noticed how Jae-ha was undressing you entirely, "I didn't know I had that much of an effect on you, (F/N)-dear."

You looked away and quickly closed your eyes as you felt his wet tongue licking your clit. You bit your lip and gasped. Your reaction aroused him even more and he decided to take the opportunity to slid a finger inside you.


"Shh..." Jae-ha hushed you as he gently moved his fingers on your insides.

You grabbed his hair as you tried to restrain yourself from moaning any more. As you were close to reach an orgasm, Jae-ha decided to stop there, making you sigh in disappointment. He slightly laughed before kissing your lips roughly.

While doing so, he started to get rid off his pants and boxers, making his erect member visible. You blushed as Jae-ha started nuzzling his face against your soft skin, whispering, "I want you, my beautiful lady..."

You didn't retort, letting him understand that he could now do whatever he wanted to.

Jae-ha placed his hard cock in front of your entrance, putting the tip against your womanhood. You shut your eyes and quickly felt him thrust into you. You instinctively dug your nails into his back and panted heavily as you tried to get used to his pace.

Even with the alcohol running through his veins, the green dragon clearly enjoyed the moment and didn't lose his energy.

After a few more thrusts, you knew you wouldn't last for much longer, which was apparently Jae-ha's case as well.

The boy kissed your neck as you moaned his name, reaching the edge. He thrusted a bit more and finally came inside you.

You both were out of breath and stayed a bit longer, lying on the ground until you remembered that your friends might come at any time. You cleaned up yourself as you could and put some clothes on as you started to walk closer to the campfire, only to feel a pair of strong arms wrapped around waist.

"I can control myself even when I'm drunk," Jae-ha murmured against your ear, "I meant every single word."

You blushed and thought of something to reply only to hear the sound of your friends' voices.


You can find me on:
Instagram: DropSykesx
Skype: olivia_tommo
Line: dropsykesx

Thank you KurooBaka for this request :D
It was my very first One Shot about Akatsuki no Yona! What a better way to start than a little lemon with the sexy Jae-ha? :p
Even though I honestly think it wasn't great at all. :(

Just so you all know, I have watched the anime but I only started buying and reading the manga by now. So if I don't follow the characters' personalities on some points, just let me know so that I can improve my writing and make you all enjoy it. :D

Request are currently closed!

-Jealous!Kija x Reader x Zeno (requested)
-Zeno x Reader (requested)
-Zeno x Reader (requested)

Thank you for reading. ♡♡

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