Zeno x Reader : Protective

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The yellow dragon was sulking. Much to everyone's surprise. As you, Yona, Hak and the other dragons tried to make him talk, he ignored you all as he kept on denying about what you could say. Insinuating there was no problem at all.

You all knew he was lying but had no way of making him talk. That's why you decided to let him alone until he would feel lonely and go back to his usual self.

Zeno, always cheerful, could not think about anything else than you right now. For quite some times, he started developing strong feelings towards you, but found himself unable to admit them.

What made him feel a little off today, was how jealous he felt every time he saw you around the other boys, certain that you preferred them to him.

You had no idea Zeno had a crush on you and he didn't really intend to let you know, but he was now incapable not to get jealous or protective whenever someone tried to flirt with you. By someone, he obviously meant Jae-ha.

As Zeno was still sitting on the ground, he saw you and Jae-ha laughing with each other. Since he couldn't bear the sight any longer, he stood up and ran towards you two, making you stop your conversation.

"Are you feeling any better?" Jae-ha smirked as he glared at Zeno who puffed his cheeks in annoyance.

The green dragon could easily notice people's true feelings and he obviously knew that Zeno was drawn to you, yet he decided not to tell you anything and let the child-like boy admit everything to you.

Since he was the kind of person who loved teasing other people, Jae-ha placed an arm around your shoulders, driving Zeno crazy. His face reddened in jealousy, while you simply looked up to try to understand why the boy was holding you like that.

Zeno, on the other hand, did his best to ignore the feeling of jealousy that overwhelmed him. Though, it was almost impossible for him not to react, and that's why he jumped on you and whined, making Jae-ha leave your side as you patted the yellow dragons back softly, not quite sure you understood what it was all about.

Zeno was, as usual with you, acting like a child. He mumbled things you could not understand as he did his best not to ever loosen his grip on you.

"Are you okay?" You asked, worried something bad had happened to him.

However, he nodded against your shoulder as you felt his hot breath throughout your body, making you shiver.

Still standing there, Jae-ha tried to spice everything up a little more, noticing the yellow dragon was still not at his limit.

"I was just telling (F/N)-dear that I would love to invite her for a drink... ~"

You quickly turned your face to meet Jae-ha's green orbs, though you couldn't ask him for anything since Zeno had already his hands over his hips, staring meanly at his fellow comrade.

"What do you mean? Why would Miss (F/N) accept to be with you?"

You stood there, not understanding anything that was going on, "I may or may not want to get closer to her..." Jae-ha smirked, clearly to piss the yellow dragon even more.

"YOU CAN'T!" Zeno retorted as he shouted, which startled you.

"You can't do that because Miss (F/N) is Zeno's and Zeno's only."

Your eyes widened at his confession. Jae-ha, proud of himself, simply let the two of you alone, as you kept on staring at Zeno, unable to say or do anything else.

The boy sheepishly smiled as he scratched the back of his neck, trying to find what to say now.

"W-well... Zeno was jealous because... H-he likes Miss (F/N) and doesn't want her close to anyone else."

You blushed at his words, realizing what he truly felt about you. You then looked away, unable to look him in the eyes. Never had you thought about him in a romantic way... To be honest, you could've never imagined of yourself as good enough for him.

You closed your eyes and stared at your feet, awkwardly moving against the ground.

"I-I don't know what to say..." You admitted, afraid of his reaction.

Zeno simply walked closer to you and placed a hand on your cheek, stroking it gently. You eventually found yourself drowning into his ocean blue eyes, as his warm smile made your heart beat faster.

"Just say that you'll always belong to Zeno."

Even though you hated thinking of yourself as someone else's property, you couldn't help but like this idea for once, probably because it was something related to the yellow dragon.

As you sighed, you softly nodded your head, earning the biggest smile you've ever seen, plastered on the boy's face. He yelled in glee and took you in an embrace, kissing your cheeks a few times as he kept on saying how happy he was.

"Now let's tell Ryokuryuu not to talk to you ever again. Only Miss Yona can speak with you."

"Wait wh-" you were cut off as the energetic boy grabbed your hand and made you sprint with him to meet everyone else.


You can find me on:
Instagram: DropSykesx
Skype: olivia_tommo
Line: dropsykesx

Thank you so much for your request LokisAsgard :3 I hope you enjoyed this Zeno's One Shot :p

Request are open again! :D Don't hesitate to tell me what you want to read next!

-Soo-won x Reader (requested)

By the way, I'm sorry if I sometimes close the requests but it's mostly because I have to manage those Akatsuki no Yona stories, but also the ones for Aoharu x Kikanjuu and Haikyuu!! :) I hope you guys understand!

Thank you for reading. ♡♡

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