Chapter 1

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"...Amy? Sorry, Fat Amy?"

"Right here captn"

"We're all here, Chloe!"

The redhead ignored Beca's comment and proceeded.

"Aaand Emily! Here you are. Ok so we're all here! Let's go! Chloe felt really excited for the weekend ahead, so she had no problem ignoring the short brunette's rolling eyes and stood smiling widely from the front of the bus. Yes, she was satisfied with her job and now she could take her seat.

Of course Beca was already wearing her headphones and mixing some music. How many mixes can she make if there's still two hours on the road? Chloe tried calculating mentally, and then tried using her fingers and eventually she gave up, getting distracted.

Beca lifted an eyebrow "What?" she asked, noticing her friend staring at her. Of course she had to sit next to me, the personal space invader, every trip the same thing. A grin decorated her face. Wait I shouldn't smile, I am pissed!

"Was just watching out the window." Chloe stated, awaken from her thoughts and quickly moving her deep blue eyes towards the window next to her friend.

Against Beca's will a bigger smile was showing on her face. Damnit Red, I can't be mad at you for more than a few minutes. "Wanna swap seats? I'm not interested in the window anyway"

"Oh no, no... I can admire the sightseeing better from this distance" Seriously? That was the best you could think of? "What are you working on?" Change of topic, that was brilliant!

"Just stuff..." Beca moved so that the screen of her laptop wouldn't be properly visible from Chloe's seat. She didn't want the redhead to find out about her job. Not yet, she didn't want to argue with her.

Seeing that the conversation was over, Chloe let out a sigh refusing to let her smile fade. She put on her headphones too and relaxed on the seat looking out the window... and watching Beca as well.


Hey Chlo! On your way already? I am so excited to see you and the girls! Xx

Seeing the girl next to her hide a giggle while apparently reading a text on her phone, Beca got curious and distracted and that's when she saw her laptop was dying... Fuck, I didn't charge it enough... Then she looked at the time and saw they had another 50 minutes ahead before getting to wherever they were going. With a deep sad breath she saved her work and slowly closed her laptop. What am I gonna do now? This will be so boring! Oh well...

Without a second thought the brunette started singing, and waited for the other girls to join. First one was Emily and then Amy, and that made her face lit up. She loved a capella deep inside. Chloe couldn't help but chuckle and bring her hand to her mouth with an exclamation "Oh my God!" before typing a quick text and joining the singing.

The woman on the other side let out the same exclamation when she got the text:

Excited too! Beca started a song, gotta go! Xx

Wow, that hobbit changed a bit these years, huh?

The 50 remaining minutes of the drive flew passed so quickly that Beca found herself wishing it would last longer. All the girls looked out the windows and saw a big sign when the bus pulled off the main road and entered a little one. It read: "Lodge Fallen Leaves"

Everybody gathered their bags so when the bus was parked all of them were ready to step out. First thing Beca could think about was her music, of course, she needed to find a place to charge her laptop. The next thing in her head though, was Chloe. "How did you find about this place?" she asked her friend standing next to her. Before the redhead could answer, a familiar voice spoke up and a second later all the Bellas were hugging Aubrey Posen. First one to hug the blonde former co-captain of the Bellas was Beca. That could be a bit surprising, but she found out the blonde had really been missed. They had become friends at the end of her first year at Barden, last year for Aubrey. So turns out she was now the owner of that place and her job was helping people build teamwork skills. She actually made a career out of barking out orders! Impressive. Beca thought to herself while Aubrey was talking, and jumped when the blonde started to bark orders again. Oh no, not again!

"'re surrounded by the strength of your fellow Bellas..." Aubrey's speech went on but Beca was barely listening, lost in her thoughts. She didn't notice that Chloe smiled looking at her in that moment, her head was too full lately. A single thought came forward as the strongest: So the Bellas need to find their sound again... for the last time. After this year we will have to go on with our lives. The brunette held a deep breath and felt pain in her stomach.

Dinner became a whiny process at Beca's corner of the table. Sitting next to Amy and across from Lilly and Emily, she silently tried to swallow her dry salad while listening to them.

"You know, the aca-Nazi is not our captain anymore, and I know we love her deep inside but you know... we should at least have proper service, right? I mean this is delicious but the sexy guys over there should be allowed to give me their number! Besides I deserve a hot bath with foam and all..." Fat Amy said receiving agreeing nods from her friends and a comment from Lilly she couldn't decipher.

Beca absently looked around and her eyes found red hair. She swallowed hard. Why isn't she next to me? Emily called her attention though, asking about Jesse, and Beca had to put a little smile on her face and lead the conversation with her friends.


"...I swear Bree, she started singing on her own! I didn't suggest it or anything"

"Impressive indeed! Took that bitch three years!" Aubrey couldn't help but smiling in return to her best friend's happy expression and reached out to hold her hand over the table. After looking around she asked "How are your... things going? I know we text and call often but now we're at the opposite corner of the table and nobody's listening... how are you?" A hint of concern in her eyes.

"It's getting harder..." Chloe answered after a short pause, and decided she didn't need to fake a smile anymore in front of her best friend. Aubrey squeezed her hand gently to comfort those sad eyes looking at her, and waited patiently for her friend to continue. "My feelings grew stronger over the years and I... she's absent lately, like she's already left a bit..." The redhead moved her gaze down to the table trying to keep the tears inside.

"Hey... hey Chloe, come on I know you! And Chloe Beale would never give up, right?" a sincere smile full of sweetness for the girl made the redhead smile too. "Besides, Fallen Leaves is a magical place. Everybody works together and people bond aca-awesomely!"

Chloe nodded. "I hope you're right Bree" her voice had a hopeless bit, so unlike Chloe Beale. Her best friend shook her head slightly, not sure about what she should do. Aubrey was worried about her best friend and also quite angry at Beca for being so ridiculously blind. Gosh Beca, will you seriously lose the sweetest woman on Earth, who also happens to love you with all her heart?

A tall woman dressed in the Lodge's uniform walked towards Aubrey and called her attention. "I'll go plan the group activities for tomorrow" She said, squeezing Chloe's hand one last time. "Please stay positive? Text if you need me later. I love you and missed you, it's so good to have you here"

"I love you too, Bree. And thank you." Chloe said, a bit happier now that she got the support from her best friend, former co-captain of the Bellas. Instead of joining the other women she decided to remain at the corner of the table finishing her salad, and without realizing she started singing to herself: "I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose..." her mind travelling back to that first song she shared with the most important person in her life. I tried so hard, Beca. I really did and I'm sorry but ever since the first time I saw you in the activity fair... I've loved you Beca. Your badass mask doesn't work with me, I see through your eyes and I... "I am Titanium..."

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