Chapter 7

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I'm sorry Becs, I have a date. See you later at the party?

"What?" Beca said out loud.

"What what?" Emily asked, confused.

Beca realized she had said that out loud and looked at her friend, smiling slightly.

"Nothing... Chloe just texted and she says she can't be here cause she has a date..."

"Oh that's good, right? I always wondered why she didn't go out with anyone... she's so pretty."

Pretty? Please, Emily! She's stunning, she's gorgeous, she's amazing... I am happy she is dating someone... Am I? Of course I am happy! She's my best friend.

"Yeah." Beca said simply, sad smile on her face.

"You really wanted her to come and listen to what we have so far, right?" Emily asked, noticing the sad hint.

"Yep... but it's ok, we have time for that. I'm happy for her." Beca lied.


Chloe wasn't feeling well, she couldn't stop thinking how 'plan J' went wrong a few years earlier when Aubrey decided to use it with a guy she liked. Now it was called 'plan H' but the results could be the same... Come on Chloe, hope! There's a chance. She thought, while checking her phone for the fifth time to see if there was any text from Beca. No new texts. She groaned, throwing the phone on the bed. At that moment there was a knock on her door and she opened it hesitantly.

"Oh hi Amy, what's up?"

"I was told you had a date earlier..." Amy whispered with a wink.

Of course the news spread like... like farts. Ok now we're in, let's play along. Chloe thought with a smirk.

"Stacie told me... apparently Emily told Flo and she told Jessica and Ashley, who told CR, and she told Lilly. Stacie said Lilly told her..." Both girls looked at each other surprised. How could Stacie hear what Lilly had said? "Anyway, how did it go? Who is he?"

Chloe giggled. Of course the Bellas sent Amy to get information. Before she could think what to answer, Amy added "...She, it?" which made the ginger chuckle loudly.

"Well yes, I decided to start dating someone and it went really well honestly." If only they knew I had been sitting alone in the park feeding the birds some old bread...

"Way to go, ginger!" The Aussie exclaimed hugging Chloe too tightly. "Maybe tonight with some booze on ya we can get some more information." Amy winked, causing Chloe to laugh again.

"Have you heard from Beca?" she asked when Amy was already leaving the room.

"Yeah she's with Emily in her dorm working on a song... they'll meet us at the party." Amy answered, and left.

Chloe sighed, relieved to know Beca wasn't with Jesse at the moment. Now that she thought about it, she remembered the brunette telling her about the new song. Beca was really interested on Chloe hearing it and telling what she thought about it. This made Chloe smile widely; Beca always counted on her and valued her opinions very much.

A few minutes later she was ready for the party and left her room to join the rest of the Bellas in their living room so they could walk together. The walk was accompanied by a bunch of not-so-subtle comments destined to cause Chloe to talk about her mysterious new lover, but she kept her smirk on and didn't tell anything.

As soon as they got to the sorority party, Emily and Beca approached to greet them with drinks in their hands. Beca was holding two, and gave one to Chloe.

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