Chapter 8

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"Got an idea! Let's play truth or dare!" Amy exclaimed above the sound of the music, causing some of the girls to woo approvingly. "Chloe. Truth or Dare?"

I know where this is going, they had this planned. They want me to go with truth so they can ask me who I am dating. Chloe thought. "Dare." She said with a smirk.

To her surprise, Amy smirked too.

"Ok, go and kiss Beca." She said.

"What, but Beca is with Jesse right now." Chloe said furrowing her eyebrows.

"So? She's gonna break up with him anyway..."

Amy interrupted herself because Beca just joined them.

"Hey guys." She said weakly. "I um... I had the talk with Jesse and I don't feel ok so I'll just... I'm calling it, I'm off to my room. You enjoy the night." She added the last sentence with a sad smile.

"I'll go with you." Chloe said quickly. And both girls walked out of the party.

"You owe me, ginger! A dare is a dare!" Amy said, pointing at Chloe dramatically. The redhead gave her a wink as she walked away.

The short walk to the Bellas' house was silent. Beca didn't want to talk and Chloe wasn't going to pressure her. They got inside Beca and Amy's room and the brunette didn't bother changing clothes, she just dropped on her bed.

"Are you ok? Well that's a stupid question but... you know, did it go too bad?" Chloe asked from Amy's bed where she was sitting.

Beca shook her head. "I feel like an asshole."

Chloe remained silent, she didn't know what to say.

"Thanks Chlo. You're always here for me." Beca talked again, showing a shy smile.

"Of course, Becs." The redhead replied. "Let's get some sleep?" She added, laying on Amy's bed. Too many things had happened in the last few hours and her head was pounding with alcohol.

"Good night, Chlo."

"Good night, Becs."

Beca concentrated on the figure laying on the other bed, she could see a sparkle of red hair illuminated by the moonlight coming from the window. She really is my flashlight. Beca thought, and with that thought she fell asleep.


Where am I? Oh my God did I pass out in the party? Beca opened one eye and saw she was in her room. Her eyes looked for red hair but Amy's bed was empty. She felt a punch in the stomach. Oh wait. I must have been mumbling at night again... Her head was clearing up. Beca turned around carefully and found her face covered in red hair. She giggled and sat up. Wow... she looks like an angel, sleeping so peacefully...

When Chloe opened one eye she saw Beca's room and the memories from the night started to make sense slowly. Opening the other eye she smiled brightly to a blushing Beca.

"Morning Becs"

"Um, good morning." Beca looked uncomfortable.

"How long have you been staring at me?" Chloe asked while sitting up, giggling when she saw Beca blushing even more.

The brunette stood up but her eyes remained in Chloe's like charmed.

"Just enough time to mentally wake you up." She replied, with a nervous giggle. The truth is she had been staring at Chloe for a long time. "I gotta get to work..." She added.

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