Madness at noon by cleofriskey

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I know it has been ages since I last wrote a review, but I read this book and I couldn't help myself. I had to share my experience with you guys. 

First of all I want to congratulate the writer, cleofriskey, with this book. I really, really liked it. 

Madness at noon is a book that consists (at the moment) of 3 short books. The first one is called Kiss and Make up and has 3 chapters. The second is Doesn't play well with others and has 7 parts plus a prologue. The third one is M for Mistress, that at the moment has only 1 chapter, but I'm pretty sure there will come more. The books are in chronological order and tell an ongoing story. Madness at noon follows the main character Noon and, later, her pet Cheshire. Noon is no ordinary girl, no she is a possibly immortal psychopath with an obsession for death and 'the gentleman'.

The book is kind of gruesome and has some pretty weird stuff in it, but because of the way it is written you are completely sucked into it. The writing style is almost poetic, and this, combined with Noon's dramatic ways, somehow cause you to feel and think along with Noon. This is kind of disturbing, but at the same time absolutely amazing. It takes some real skill to write like that. I would give an example, but that would maybe spoil something, and you'll have to find out for yourself what happens in the book. 

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