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He whispered that I couldn't get away, He gripped my wrist lifting them up above my head. I kept struggling. I just wanted to go home and forget all of this. If I tried to get away it wouldn't end well, He may be bony but he is close to six foot. I'm only 5'4.

As I continued to struggle his gripped got tighter and tighter. He must've had enough because he pulled me into the room that I saw earlier. For being as boney as he was he was quite strong. He pulled me to where the bed was and laid me down. I tried to fight him off but he looked at me with his grey soulless eyes. The way he looked at me it was almost telling me to quite fighting him or else.

"Quit it right now," He said that with no emotion. He puled the first strap over my upper arms and chest, then my legs. That left me with my hands and feet lose. I kept moving my feet and hands, hoping that I cold get out. He pulled my hands down on to the bed. "I said stop Abby before you get punished."

That caught my attention. How did He know my name? "How do you know my name," I asked.

"Oh Abby I know quite a lot about you." He said as he strapped my hands down. "Now I'll let you up when I can trust you." He grabbed something from the metal table next to the bed. When He brought up for me to see it was a roll of duct tape. He pulled off a piece. Knowing what he would try and do. I kept shacking my head. That would of worked until with one hand he grabbed my chin preventing movement. He placed the tape on my lips and stood up. He looked down at me and smirked at my attempts to get out of the restraints. "Oh Abby you look so helpless and scared."

With that He walked out of the room. Leaving me alone and scared.


I left the lovely Abby in my secret room. The fear she showed when she first saw to me leaving the room was empowering to me. I feed off of her and an ones fear and now hers is quite powerful. Listening carefully from out side the door I could hear her muffled screams. I just smirked as I felt the fear empower me. Walking away for the door I went into the kitchen to begin making my meal, her meal.

I pulled out a pan setting it on the stove and pulling out Abby's favorite food Mac & Cheese. I knew everything about her, I've watched her forever. Watching her all these years gave me a perfect idea of what she feared. For example Abby feared being alone and being closed off from people. With Abby strapped down to that table alone, I could practically hear her screams even through the tape on her lips.

After finishing making Abby her food I went into the room. The sight in front of me just made me want to laugh. Abby had struggled for what seemed to be along time, her cheeks covered in tears and wrist rubbed raw. I walked over to the bed Abby had her eyes tightly closed. I set down the food on the table that I kept a couple syringes on, I stroked her hair away form her face. Abby let out a small fearful whimper. I gently took off the tape from her mouth. "Why are you so cold?" Abby whispered.

"Oh Abby that information for another time. For now just eat." I took the fork of Mac & Cheese and brought it to her lips. Abby kept her lips firmly closed. "Abby open. You have to eat." Abby shook her head no. I sighed setting down the fork. "Fine don't eat. It won't be a problem for me." I stood up and began walking toward the door.

"Wait," Abby said so quietly it was almost a whisper. "Please I just want to go home. I didn't mean any harm. All of this is because of the mail."

Abby was here for a reason just one I don't want to talk about. I turned around to face Abby. She looked so scared. Her eyes beg for me to let her go. "Abby you aren't going home so get over." I turned the door knob and began walking out.

"No, No, No, please don't leave me in here alone," Abby shouted. You could here her fighting the restraints. I stopped and smirked. I turned around to face Abby again. Her grey blue eyes were filled with tears and fear. Tears ran down her beautiful pale almost snow white pale cheeks.

"Abby I do what I want. No mere human can stop me."

Abby looked up at me with fear in her eyes, more then the other times she looked at me. "Wh..What do you mean Hu..human. You... Your human to," she stuttered. Ah that's cute she thinks I'm human like her. That will be a wake up call when she finds outs what I am. Walking over to her, I sat down on the middle of the bed. As I reached my hand over to her she tried to move her head away. I gently ran my hand through her hair. Every time I did Abby would flinch.

"Abby I'm not human," I said gently.Abby kept shacking her head in disbelieve. Muttering 'no' over and over. The amount of fear radiating off of her was so much. The power I got from saying that was unbelievable. The tears kept running down her cheeks. I kept petting her beautiful brown hair. It was so soft like a fuzzy puppy or a pair of fuzzy socks.

"What are you," Abby asked.

"Oh Abby I'm your worst nightmare." That part was true. One of her biggest fears was what I was. "I'm a Ghost."

A/n that photo is of our male character

All Because of The Mail #JustwriteitWhere stories live. Discover now