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Luke's POV

After about an hour of Abby laying in the casket, I decided to let her out. I walked down stairs and turned on a light. It may seem like we have no electricity but we do have some. We don't use electricity ever day because I always loved candles. Walking over to the casket I opened it up to see Abby fast asleep. That explains why I wasn't get her fear, her heart was slowing down to sleep. I sighed then picked her up.

When we got up stairs I opened the door, to the room she would sleep in, with my foot. Setting her on the bed and blowing out the candles, I sat on the other side of the room in the dark. Watching Abby sleep was quite calming. Standing up I cut the rope around her wrist I sat next to her.

Abby started to stir in her sleep and heart beat just a little faster. I came to the conclusion she was having a nightmare. To calm her down I gently pet her hair and said calming things. Abby calmed down a few moments later. I kept petting her soft hair.

The hair that Abby had was so soft almost like wool. It was so brown that it reminded me of a tree. Thinking of what I learned from watching Abby. This girl went through so much in her live. Her parents were always traveling on business trips leaving Abby alone. The only good part was every time she was left alone I got to feed off of her fear of being alone. I soon fell asleep next to Abby, thinking of how to scare her more.

Abby's POV (The next day)

I woke up alone in a dark room. I was laying on a king sized bed with a cream colored sheets. The bed was made of a dark maple wood. The only light was from a window in the corner. Standing up I walked toward the door. As I was about to open the door I heard the brothers outside. "How much long until you finish the job." said the voice of Jon.

"What do you mean?" I heard Luke ask.

"Usually when you feed off of a certain person for a long time the last two days here." That sentence freaked me. It was the part they said people only last about two days here. This is the second day. Am I going to be killed?

"Jon you idiot Abby's awake and now she know." My first thought was how Luke knew I was up. Then I remembered that Luke fed off of fear and fast heart rate. My heart to Luke must be an all you can eat buffet. Knowing that Luke and Jon knew I was awake I walked out to where the boys were. "Abby you decided to join us."  I nodded. "Good then lets go." Where was Luke taking me? Luke and Jon each grabbed each upper arm. The two walked toward the room I saw the first time that had all the weapons and the strange bed.

The two laid me down an pulled the straps over me. They turned off the light and walked out. Leaving me alone in the dark was freaky enough as it was but then suddenly some one was walking around behind me. "Hello. Whos there?" I asked. I had a felling no one would answer but tried any way.

A pale ghostly hand reached out in front of me and it rested on my shacking forehead. I was starting to shake uncontrollably. I noticed in these last two day I did this a lot. Then I remembered any medicine for panic attacks in two days. I had taken that for years to help with the panic attacks I had frequently for years. Yesterday before everything happened I planed to get my medicine I ran out of.

I felt a panic attack coming on. The thing behind me noticed this too. "Abby calm down I'm not going to kill you," the thing said. I recognized that voice as Luke's. I tried calming down knowing that I somewhat knew who was with me. Looking up I saw an outline of Luke's face. "What was that Abby? I've seen you scared and shaking but not like that."    

I thought about if I want to tell Luke the truth or not. Deciding that Luke may be able help me. "I have panic attacks ones in a while. I usually have medicine but I ran out."

Without saying a word Luke pulled the straps off and picked me up. Luke carried me back to the room I woke up his morning. Looking at Luke with a confused expression. I thought why is Luke doing this? "I may want to feast off if your fear and fast heart rate but I don't need you going through a panic attack. So lay down and I'll calm you down."

"How? Also where is Jon?"

"Jon left to eat. I plan to tell you something about me to calm you down." I nodded in an understanding way. "OK it starts after the Civil War had ended back in 1865. I had been part of the war and saw many things I wish to forget lots of friends and family died next to me. I killed many to. I was 16 when all of this happened. My father stayed home with my mom and sister. Jon fought by my side. We both saved each other many times.

"After the war I according to my parents went crazy. I saw and heard parts of the war. Reliving parts of them. I regret all of who I kill. So my parents had me put in an institute in hopes to help me. The institute found I was stable enough to be released.

"The first thing I did after getting out was I went home and killed my father and mother. My sister became quite scarred of me. Her name was Charlotte, Jon and I called her Charlie. Charlie loved to act like us. I scarred her so much and she was only 13 at the time. After killing my parents I looked a Charlie who was huddled in a corner hold a doll we made together. She asked me why I killed them. My answer was that they had me hurt. 

"The institute mental and physical hurt me. I went out to let off steam. When I returned Charlie wasn't there. She ran away and I never found her." Luke was on the verge of tears. I started felling bad for him. I crawled closer to Luke on the bed and rested my head on his shoulder. "I knew I messed up badly so I tried to end it all. I tried to hand my self from the celling in the basement. Jon found me down there just seconds after I died. He would go and hold a funeral for me. You see Jon was the only on to love me beside Charlie.

"After the funeral Jon went and found a witch who could bring me back. Jon agreed but with a price. The price was Jon had to be vampire. When I came back I thanked Jon and the witch for the second chance at live. I started feed of peoples fears. Jon and I couldn't leave the house that often. When the 20 century hit we were able to leave the house cause no one knew or remember us. I never got to find Charlie. The most I got was a letter from a person say she was Charlie. The letter said; Jon and Luke I'm sorry I ran. I miss you and I wish I could come home. I can't, I'm married to a nice a man and now have two children I named them Luke and Jon.  

"That letter came in 1880. Never heard about her again. That's all for now Abby go to sleep." With that I went to sleep.         

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