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Abby's POV

When he said he was a ghost I became more scared then I already was. I had been afraid of ghost since I was little. It happened when my parents took me to a haunted house for Halloween. This was when I was 7.

Flashback :

I walked through the Haunted House when I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder. Turning around I saw a pale boy not much older then 10. He put his finger up to this lips to signal me to not scream. He dragged me over to a darker corner. I was quite scarred already but when a pale cold boy drags you to a dark corner, things get scarier. I tried to scream but the boy placed a hand over my mouth. "I told you to be quite," He whispered.

I had tears slowly go down my face. "Please let me go."

"What is your name human," he asked.

I looked at him thinking what did he mean by human? Wasn't he human. "Abby . What is your name? Aren't you human too?"

"Names Luke and I'm no human. I'm a ghost." Luke said.

Flashback over

After thinking of that moment at the haunted house I realized that that boy who was 10 is the boy who is sitting just inches away from me. "Luke," I whispered. Luke looked at me funny. Then realizing what I said he smirked. "Your that boy from the haunted house when I was 7. Your Luke."

"Thank God you figured it out. I thought you would of known sooner," Luke said. "So how would you like to get out of these uncomfortable restraints?" Luke ran is cold bony fingers over the restraints that kept my hands down. I quickly nodded. Any thing to get me out of these things. "Ok I remove them but if you run or fight me the will go back on even tighter. Do you understand?" I nodded again. I didn't want those on my arms tighter. They were quit tight already. "Words Abby. You have voice use them."

"Yes," I said. Luke removed the strap that was over my chest and arms, then the one over my knees, feet, last my hands.

"If I regret this you will never see day light again. It is getting late Abby how about I take you to the room you'll be sleeping in?" Luke took my hand and led me out of the room.

Once we were out of the corridor Luke led me to a grand staircase. It had two oak stairs cases that led to the second floor. The wood looked like it had faded away. In the center of the room was a chandelier that was lite with actual candles. From what I could tell this house was running off of 19 century electricity. The house used mostly candles.

Luke led me up the stairs. He placed his right hand around my waist. Leading me down a hall way that was lined with red wallpaper that had small golden embroiders of leaves. Luke stopped in front of a dark oak door with a silver door knob. Opening the door Luke led me in.

On the bright red loveseat at the end of the bed sat another boy. This boy looked nothing like Luke. This boy had pale hair that looked like a dove, beautiful brown eyes, freckles along top of his cheeks, a lip ring on the left side of his bottom lip, and a black ear piercing on his left ear. Along his left arm in a fancy font was a M.

"Brother their you are." The pale hair boy said to Luke. Then he noticed me. "Who is this lovely lady Luke." The boy stood up, bowed and kissed my hand like a gentlemen.

"I'm Abby," I whispered staring at the floor. I was blushing like a mad woman and didn't want him to see. "Who are you?"

"Well miss. Abby I'm Jon. I'm Luke's little brother," Jon said.

"Are you like your brother? You know with being a ghost?"

Jon laughed before saying, "No, I'm not the same as him cause I'm a vampire." That's when I knew I had to get out of here before something happens. I slowly walked back toward the door as Luke told Jon about me. When neither were paying attention to me I took of down the stairs. I was running toward the front of the house when a mysterious wind hit sending cold chills down my spine. The wind made the candles all go out.

I pulled out the phone I forgot I had in my pocket. Turning it on to shed light in the room. I passed the dark corridor form earlier and I was yards away from the door. All of a sudden I felt a hand go around my waist pulling me back to someone's chest. I started screaming when the placed a hand over my mouth.

The candles came back on all of a sudden. Then Luke popped up in front of me. Luke had this look of anger on his face. It looked like he could kill right now. He pulled my phone away from me. Looking at it Luke said, "Abby you won't be needing this." Then he crushed the phone with his bare hands. "I thought I wouldn't have to do this till later but I guess not. It's time for a punishment." Now looking over at Jon. "Take her to the basement where we will deal with her." Jon dragged me to a different hall and past a kitchen. Luke came in front of us and opened a door. Stepping down a few stairs he grabbed my feet that I kept kicking. I kept struggling in the brothers grasp.

"Abby quit it before you get into more trouble," Jon whispered in my ear. When we got down the stairs Luke let my feet go and lite some candles in the room that's when I saw what my punishment was and it was something I feared a lot. In the center of the basement was a........

A/n Photo is of Jon.

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