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Kaname POV (at the hospital)
My wife and I sat in the waiting room of the ICU. Zoey rested her head on my shoulder, lightly crying. I was crying on the inside. Just hopping that Abby would be fine and those two punks are arrested. We waited for about two hours until we got any notice from the doctors.
Doctor Jennifer, the doctor who was taking care of Abby, came in to the waiting room. "Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin," Dr. Jennifer started to say. We both looked at her for more information. "Your daughter is quiet lucky. You got there just in time. The bad news is the Abby did loss a lot of blood but we did find enough blood that matched hers. Abby also is deeply sleeping from the medicine. When she does wake up Abby will be in a lot of pain. Would you like to see her?"

We both said yes and Dr. Jennifer led us to Abby's room. There Abby laid on the hospital bed with an IV in one arm and a needle sending blood into her on the other. Abby had stitches all over her arms and legs. Her hand and legs were wrapped up from where they were they had knifes sent through them.

Zoey went up to our daughter and gently wrapped her arms around Abby, hugging her. Even when I wanted to join my wife and cry, I maintained my self and walked out of the room. I went back in about ten minutes later with coffee for both my wife and I. The doctors came in around one am and told us we should go home and sleep. Abby wouldn't be up for a while. So we left.

Luke's POV

It was quite late close to three am and I walked into the ICU. No body saw me, I used one of my powers. That was being invisible. I found Abby in her room alone. Earlier this evening I found out that she would live. Abby would live in pain and fear of me one day coming back. I stood at the foot of her bed and started counting the stitches she had. Wow Abby had so many stitches to many to count. I defiantly did a lot to her. 
When I was getting ready to leave I leaned over to Abby and whispered in her ear this, "Watch out little Abby. I may have to die soon but I will come back. Until then Jon will get my revenge for me." That was true. Tonight we found the old witch, well she found us. That witch said that I have until Halloween, which is next Saturday to kill my 13 victim. Sadly that wouldn't happen when I never killed any of my victims all died on there own or Jon finished them off. So when I die Jon with make every one pay for what they did to me.
The only reason I was happy to die and didn't fight for my life or undead life, was Charlie. I wanted my little sister. I also was wanting to apologize to her for everything. I left before any one could find my. Just before I left I walked over to Abby and pushed down on her throat. I chocked her. Abby fought back the best she could for the state she was in. Abby had her hands pulling on mine trying to get me off of her.  After a few seconds I let go. I don't know why. I wanted Abby dead. I just want to watch her suffer I guess. That's what I'll say when Jon ask why I let Abby live when I had chance to kill her. To kill her without someone seeing or knowing who I was.  With that I left.
Abby's POV
I slowly was waking up. Looking around the room I noticed I was in an ICU room. Trying to remember what happened, someone came in. That some one was the one I feared the most Luke. Pretending to be asleep I watched him stand at the foot of the bed watching him. Luke stared at me for a few minutes then he said, "Watch out little Abby. I may have to die soon but I will come back. Until then Jon will get my revenge." 'What does he men? Isn't Luke already dead?'  I thought trying to figure it all out. Now I'll have to watch out for Jon forever. 
 Luke then started to walk away. Then he turned around and walked over to my bed again. Luke grabbed my neck and started chocking me. I tried to fight back. I tried pulling at his hands but it didn't work I couldn't move. Right as I was passing out Luke let go. He turned invisible and left. Just like that he left. Luke tried to kill me twice now and left when he had the chance. It started to get dark again and I fell into darkness again.
Dr. Jennifer POV
I sat filling out Abby's paper work when I saw her struggling in her room. I saw nothing in her room just her. I was seated outside her room. Then she stopped. After a moment I when seeing that she was still asleep.
Checking for injury's besides the ones she had I saw hand prints on her neck. My thought process lead to Abby tried to chock her self in her sleep. Running to a phone I called her parents. Know what time it was I thought they should know.
When someone picked up I started talking," I'm looking for Zoey and Kaname Goodwin. This is Dr. Jennifer."
"This is Zoey what is wrong Dr. Jennifer?" Mrs. Goodwin asked.
"Well your daughter may have tried to strangler her self in her sleep. Please come down immediately." With that Zoey said fine and hung up. Ten minutes later Zoey and Kaname came running in to the ICU. Both looking like they just ran at full speed for the parking lot on the other side of the Hospital. I quickly led them to Abby's room where she lay still asleep. "Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin on Abby's throat is had prints. One's that are small and boney. Much like Abby's hands," I stepped aside for them to see.
After looking at them for a second Kaname spoke up," I knew it all Abby wanted was attention. This is ridicules Abby never did things like this before last month. That was when she said she felt she was being watched and being followed. Now Abby want's to try and strangle her self to gain attention. Fine that's what she'll get. That's what Abby will get when she gets put in a mental institute."
Well that was rude to do to a little girl like Abby. That's the thing with Abby she was small. Almost unhealthy for her age. "Mr. Goodwin I may not be her parent but I don't think those hand prints are hers. It may be the ones who did this to her," I spoke. I knew it was out of term but I can't let a patient have this happen the them.
"Well Doctor, your right your not Abby's mother but all she wants is attention. I will not lock her in an institute but I will move Abby far away from here cause I won't lose her to two punks who tried to kill her." My thoughts went to how bipolar is her father. Letting the idea slide before I did something I regretted. 
We looked at Abby when we heard her stirring.
Abby's POV
I was slowly waking up. This time I woke up to find my parents and blond haired woman staring at me. I started to cry and both of my parents hugged me tightly but not enough to hurt me. "Mommy , Daddy I missed you so much. Everything hurts." I sound like a child but right now I could care less how I sounded. I just wanted my parents. Both kept telling me every was ok and that no one would hurt me. I was still scared but I was a lot less scared with my parents here. Knowing I would be under 24 hour surveillance because of all of what happened.
The blond woman who I assumed was the doctor said she would like to keep me until the evening. She also said I would be in lots of pain and have to attend different therapy sessions. The next couple years would be hard and all of this would be because of the mail.



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