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So this is the last chapter! It's been fun writing this and I have to thank everyone for their support in this book. Even by just reading it. So I have to thank everyone for the comments, votes, and follows! Enjoy!

~Jeff's POV~

6 years later

"Jeff!" Alice giggled.

I laughed and continued to tickle her.

"You Made My Sandwich Wrong Woman!!! THIS IS YOUR PUNISHMENT!!" I laughed, tickling her even more.

Her beautiful laugh echoed in the room.

I smiled as I rolled off of her as I untangled my limbs from hers and got up from the bed. I was so glad her parents accepted me. It was a little rocky at first, but they learned to deal with me. It was especially awkward around her father. That man still kinda hated me, but I don't think it can be helped.

"So what do you want for breakfast?" I asked.

"You are SO not making breakfast!! Last time you set the oven on fire!" she laughed, rolling out of bed.

I pouted and she sneakily crept up behind me. Without warning she tackled me to the floor in a hug. I flipped us over so I was on top and gave her a peck on the cheek before jumping up and sprinting down the hallway.

I heard Alice get up and chase after me.

I raced down the hall and was about to run down the stairs when I felt a heavy weight on my back, pushing me forward down the carpeted steps. I fell down and once I got to the bottom, a winded Alice ran down. We looked at each other and burst into a fit of laughter.

Thank god the previous owner had really soft carpet on their stairs.

I flopped back onto the ground and looked up.

I yelped as I saw a very annoyed man looking down at me.

"Must you two do this every morning? I swear you two are going to end up breaking a bone or two." Alice's father grunted.

I feebly shrugged and managed to get up off of the floor.

I sniffed the air and my mouth started watering.

"Bacon!" I said before picking Alice up bridal style and running to the kitchen where Alice's mother was making omelets and bacon.

She glanced up from the stove and nodded towards the table.

I carried Alice over and set her down before scarfing down all of my food. Her parents eventually came in.

"So how long are you guys going to stay for?" I asked.

"Until we are sure you two are capable of being good parents." her father said, glaring at me.

I ignored him and smiled at Alice, who had a hand resting on her slightly swollen belly.

"Do you guys know the gender yet? Or are you going to wait?" her mother asked.

"It's a boy." Alice replied happily, reaching over to hold hands with me, our matching silver rings gleaming in the light.

"Names?" she asked.

I looked at Alice, "We were thinking about naming him Liu."

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