Mondays are the Worst

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So, school is starting up again and I won't be able to update as much, I'm thinking on updates on every Saturday or something like that, so look out for another update this weekend. Anyway, next part. Comments, votes, and follows are appreciated. Enjoy!

Alice sat in algebra listening as the teacher rambled about different equations. She sighed and pressed her forehead against her textbook.

Alice stood up straight and looked around. Her classmates were either taking notes or passing them. One girl in the back was hiding her phone underneath her textbook. How the teacher didn't notice, she had no clue. She was playing a game with the volume on.

Alice looked out the window. Rain was streaming down the side making the grey skies blurry.

The bell rang and Alice stood up, gathering her stuff and walking out of the room. She stopped by her locker and stuffed everything in before continuing to lunch.

Her friends waved her over and she sat down next to Sara.

"So, have you been buried in homework yet?" Mia asked, chewing on a piece of celery.

"Not too much." she answered.

"Well a little birdie tells me that we're gonna have a huge test in chemistry." Mia said.

"Uhg, I have enough on my plate already." Alice whined.

"Yeah, I bet that Jeff dude is a handful." Mia said, lowering her voice as if the men in black were around the corner.

Alice thought back to the kiss and blushed. Sara looked at her with an eyebrow quirked.

"Why are you blushing?" Sara spoke up.

Mia looked over and smiled deviously.

"Did you use protection?" Mia laughed.

Alice blushed even more before replying franticly,"N-no! I-It isn't like that!!"

"Oh really?" Sara smirked.

"You didn't did you? I'm gonna name your first kid Pedro!" Mia squealed," Or Sammy!"

Alice facepalmed.

"If I ever have a kid I will not be naming him or her Pedro or Sammy. And I didn't 'do' anything with him! He just pecked me on the cheek before he left yesterday." Alice said, muttering the last part.

Mia's eyes widened.

"OMG! YOU TWO KISSED!!" she squealed, other kids began to look at them funny.

"Keep it down! Or do you want the whole school to think that we're weirdos?" Alice said slapping a hand over her mouth.

Mia licked her hand and Alice pulled it away.

"I don't care if I look like a weirdo for the rest of my life! Fact is you two kissed and I already am a weirdo. Besides, weirdness is just a side effect of awesomeness." She rambled, taking a bite off of her carrot.

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