Damsel in Distress

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Sorry for not updating! Was busy with volunteer work and packing. Gonna be dumped at my Aunt's house for 'bout a week or so while my parents take a trip to the black hills -_-

I ain't mad, they have lots of awesome video games and a bunch of computers hangin' around so I might be able to update while I'm there! Don't forget to comment about which CP I should write about next!

Alice screamed and bolted across the street, only to have an arm wrap around her waist and another on her mouth. She struggled but the man just tightened his grip.

"Don't run away from us! We just want to have some fun..." one of them snickered, dragging her back to the alley they came from.

Alice tried to cry for help but it only came out as a muffled whimper. So instinctively, she clamped her mouth on his hand and bit down as hard as she could, trying not to think about where his hand might have been.

The man grunted in pain and his grip faltered. Taking her chance, Alice struggled even more and broke free from his grip and bolted out of the alley.

Unfortunately, she didn't give thought to his two other friends.

They chased after her and caught up before she could round the corner.

Alice cried out desperately but from what she saw, no one was out. Most people had already gone to bed.

They dragged her back into the alley and  threw her against the wall.

A bright display of sparks flew across her vision as her head slammed against the brick wall and she slowly slid down the wall, a tear sliding down her cheek.

She could barely register that the men were conversing about what to do with her.

"...feisty, I saw we have our way with her then dump her in the woods..." one of them said, caressing her cheek with his grimy fingers, a bloody bite mark right on the palm of his hand.

 "...traffic her, she would sell for a lot on the market..." another suggested, grabbing a lock of her golden hair.

Alice's vision faded in and out and she was on the verge of losing consciousness.

"I think we should have this pretty little flower to ourselves." the third grinned maliciously, coming closer and tilting her head up. That's when she saw a flash of orange in the corner of her eye.

"Hey! Who are you?" one of the men spoke up, turning his head.

She tilted her head towards the direction they were looking at and saw a man with an orange hoodie and a black ski mask with a red frowny face stitched on standing completely still, almost as if he were a statue, blocking the only exit. He never responded with a single word.

"You freak! Get out of here before you get hurt!" another one of the men yelled, pulling out a knife.

The man still didn't move.

Huh, I guess he wants to die...

"I said..." one of them growled, starting to threaten him.

A single voice replied,"We know what you said."

Alice grinned and started giggling uncontrollably, she knew that voice.

"Oi! What are you laughing at ya lil bitch!?" the one with the knife snapped, pointing the end under her chin.

"You'll see..." was all she said as Jeff jumped behind them from the roof tops.

"You might want to cover your eyes if you don't want to be scarred for life, Alice." Jeff said, the hooded man walking towards the men, closing the gap.

Alice complied and closed her eyes.

"I think you all should...go To SLEEP!" Jeff yelled.

That's when the pain-filled screams and pleas started, filling the air in the alley.

Alice felt a pair of hands pull her up off of the floor and direct her forward a little bit.

"Is she okay?" a new voice said, Alice assumed it was that of the hooded man.

"She has a bump on her head from hitting the wall, but other than that, nothing." Jeff responded.

"You can open your eyes now, Alice." Jeff said, his voice softened.

She opened her eyes to see Jeff and the man covered in blood. They were standing in the alley still but Jeff was blocking the view.

Alice didn't care that he was covered in blood, she felt unwanted tears streaming down her face as she hugged him, nestling her face into his chest. She felt warm and safe there, she didn't want to let go.

"Thank you." she whispered to Jeff.

"Ahem." the hooded man coughed, breaking up the hug.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm Hoodie, Jeff's...friend of sorts." Hoodie introduced himself, giving an over-exaggerated bow.

"And I'm Alice." she stated, wincing as she tried to smile at him. Her head was still throbbing in time with her heartbeat.

"I know, Jeffy here hasn't stopped talking about you when I found out he had fallen for you." he groaned.

Alice giggled as she saw a blush creep onto Jeff's white face.

"Thank you...for helping to save me." Alice thanked.

"No prob." was all he said to answer.

"I gotta go Jeff, If I don't get that cheesecake and get back soon, Masky is going to be furious." He said.

"Who's Masky?" Alice asked.

"Hoodie's boyfriend." Jeff teased, a genuine smile creeping on his face.

"He is NOT my boyfriend! He's more like a brother..."Hoodie exclaimed.

"Whatever you say..."Jeff laughed.

"Whatever, cya." He said before running out of the alleyway.

"Thanks again for saving me, Jeff." Alice said, leaning into his chest.

"No problem."

I only intended to write a small chapter but in the end this turned out to be a really long chapter!! :)

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