Tenrose Fluff

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It was a brisk day aboard the TARDIS and Rose walked across the console floor to see a timelord in pinstripes flicking and switching this and that. After he pulled some levers, he looked up and beamed at her. "Morning! Where to? 51000 BC? Want to meet Galileo?" he asked excitedly. She giggled at how eager he was. "Wherever you want, Doctor!" He smirked at her as he switched a lever and the Tardis materialized.

The Doctor poked his head out of the blue doors and stuck his tounge out. "Year 3000! What a classic! Flying cars, hoverboards and world war 3! Well, allons-y!" The blond followed after his wavy coat. The Doctor stopped at a cinema. "Fancy a movie?" She noddes and walked in as the Doctor showed a staff member his psycic paper.

It turns out the film was quite romantic and sweet. At the end, Rosr started crying on the Doctor's shoulder because the man had finally proposed. After they left, Rose asked, "Wasn't that so sweet?" The Doctor nodded as he opened up the blue doors. "You know what I loved best?" The Doctor softly inquired. Rose asked what and he simply replied with a peck on her cheek. "The love they showed for each other."

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