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It's been a month since The Doctor left Rose a second time. Meanwhile, Tentoo/10.5/Metacrisis Ten was having trouble coping with the fact he could die and not regenerate. Rose was having difficulty as well. She looked into the man's eyes and she didn't see her beloved Doctor. She saw a clone. An imposter. One night, Rose awoke to the sound of whimpering. Hmm...That can't be Tony... Is it The Doctor? She got up to investigate. Indeed, it was The Doctor crawled in a vulnerable position staring into blank space while tears fell. "D-Doctor?" Rose sat next to him. "Rose. Who am I?"
"You're the metacrisis clone, John Smith to outsiders." The Doctor scoffed. "That's all you see, huh? I look at you and I see the most wonderful girl who saved me from myself. But you don't see me. I remember all those adventures you went on with him, the joy you got, but you don't see me as The Doctor. You see me as a clone, someone trying to be him. Do you have any idea how that feels?" Rose held his hand. "You're right. I don't see you as him. Because you're more than him. You were willing to spend the rest of your life with me, and you admitted something that He would've never done. You may not have fought daleks but you're still brave. I admit, it's been hard for me to accept this and it was probably hard for you too. But we can work it out together, yeah?" The Metacrisis clone pulled Rose into a hug.
" Thank you."

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