1. Perfect Life

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Sam's POV
*beep. Beep. Beep. Be-*
I smashed my hand down on the button stopping my alarm tone and got up to take a shower.

I got out and brushed my teeth, blowdried my hair and straightened it so the ombrè in my hair looks better. I got changed into some clothes and walked downstairs where my mom just finished setting out breakfast, my sister Olivia struts down like she always does in her 'I'm better than you' attitude and sits down at the table, she graduated last year so she think that i have alot to compete with, i dont believe it for a second.

"So Sam, hows school going?" My mom asked

"Good, I got an A on my last math test"

"Thats nice sweetie" she says nicely. We continue eatung and just talking until around 8. I grab my backpack and head out the door. I decide to walk today just because the school isnt far away, only a couple blocks.

I walk in where my boyfriend Matt is leaning against my locker like every morning.

"Hey" i smile kissing him

"Hey" he smiles kissing back

"I dont have football practice this afternoon, wanna hang out?" "We can have some fun" he whispers that last part. I know what he means, I'm just not ready yet, I cant do it.

"I can't, Jenny asked me this morning" I lied

He didn't seem to notice so he just nodded, I got my books and headed to home room where i saw my best friend Jenny.

"Hey, if Matt asks, I'm hanging out with you this afternoon" i tell her knowing she would just go along with it, she didnt like Matt at all. She thought he would take me away from her, she hates his guts.

"Sure, but why?" She asked

"he's just being a horny teenage boy again" I shrugged, she shook her head

"When are you finally just gonna give hi m what he wants so he shuts up" that's a little weird Jenny hates it when I hang around with him in general, why would she want me to have sex with him? I just shrug as the bell rings.

The day goes on and i love it. I have a loving family, a pefect boyfriend, a best friend always by my side and a great school life.

My life is pefect...

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