2. Meeting him

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Sam's POV
I get home and run up to my room closing the door and blasting the radio. Doing my homework and dancing around, badly singing the lyrics like I'm a total idiot but right now i couldn't be happier.

I finish my homework and head dowstairs passing someone in the lounge room. I wanted food so i didnt really care who it was.

I grabbed an apple and walked into the lounge room again this time seeing who is in there.

"Hi" the person smiled at me

"Hi?" I said confused walking closer tp the guy standing in front of me. He was pretty cute but he looked a couple years older than me. He had brown hair and really nice brown eyes, he was wearing khakis and a grey-ish long sleeved shirt with a beenie, it complemented him.

"I'm Cameron" He said simply

"Sam" I replied

"Oh Sam, you're done upstairs" Olivia said coming out of no where
I nodded and she smiled walking up next to Cameron as he wrapped his arm aroynd her waist looking kinda awkward.

"And you've met Cam" she smiled again, again it looked fake

"He's my boyfriend" she added. I nodded and walked towards the stairs.

"Oh, hey Sam" Olivia called


"Could i I talk to you for a sec" she asked, i nodded and we walked into my room upstairs.

"Okay look you little hooker" Olvia said aggressively

"Woah, I dont look that sluttly" I said raising my hand in defense, looking down a my black high waisted short shorts and my white sleeveless crop top. (Okay maybe it is a little showy but still)

"Whatever, just look, Cameron is my boyfriend"

"Yes Liv, you got that point across dowstairs"

"Shut up! He's my boyfriend and you cant use you're little whore powers to lure him in like you did with your boyfriend. If you touch him I will put you in a hospital and you wont come out alive!"

"Okay... Matt acually fell for me I didnt lure him in. I'm not a whore thanks Liv, I love you too. Lastly I dont have to touch him I have a boyfriend and Livvy honey, you couldnt put me in a hospital if you tri-" i was cut off by my own sister slapping me

"I warned you, Cameron is Off Limits" and with that she walked out

"Woah protective much?" I thought

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