3. Out of Line

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The next day I did my same routine but it didnt go as planned.

I was in the shower and Cameron barged in, I screamed and he didn't realize he just wen ro the bathroom and peed. I asked him what he was doin and hs told me the others were taken. I was getting changed for school and Olivia came in and yelled at me for what Cameron did. Breakfast consisted of my mother forcing me to eat even tho my appetite was taken by Olivia jammimg her tounge down Cameron's throat, he looked nervous and his eyes opened and he glanced at me I just rolled my eyes and took my plate up to the sink.

I went on with school, strangley I didn't see Matt or Jenny but oh well...

I went home and Cameron and Liv were on the couch happily laughing until I walked in. Cam stopped laughed straight away got up and walked away.

"Was it something I said?" I asked quite a little offended. I mean Cameron has been here about a day or two and all he's done is shove his tounge down my sister's throat, bardge around my room like its his whist messing everything up and dragging things out of line, he's messed up my relationship with my sister, the only thing he hasn't stuffed up is my life at school.

I got to school, it was my only escape from my tornado at home *cough* Cameron *cough*

Today I hung out with a couple other girls cos strangley Jenny and Matt weren't at school today but i just shrugged it off. The day went on it was great. I was in PE and we played dodgeball it was acually really fun I rarely got out and I pegged it at everyone else.

I went home and did my usual routine. Homework, food, netball practice, swimming, dinner, shower, milo, tv. I was in the lounge room watching Dance Moms when Olivia walked in with Cameron they sat down and took the remote

"Hey!" I yelled

"Not a chance muskrat, Im watching walking dead" she said dangling the remote infront of me. Cameron looked at me and smiled, his smile was so cute it could brighten up the world. I just rolled my euss and walksd out.

I was sitting on the kitchen bench on my phone eating an apple when Cameron came walking out.

"Hey" he smiled, i just nodded my head not taking my eyes off my phone

"Sam..." he trailed

"Whats up?" I asked looking up to him

"Oh nothing" he said staring at me

"Can I help you with something?" I snapped he shook his head

"No, you're just so beautiful"

"Okay, well thank you?" i said cinfused

"More beautiful that Olivia"

"You're not meant to say that, shes your girlfriend, you're her boyfriend and I have a boyfriend"

"He's a total ass thats gonna hurt you, you know that?" He stated

"And you're a total ass thats gonna hirt my sister, so that makes you the better person" i snapped, He nodded. I rolled my eyes and walked out to bed. I stayed on instagram for a while before drifting off to sleep.

I woke up and did my normal routine and went to school. Boring as hell like any other day.

It was Thursday so I had spare time and no swimming or netball practice, I get one day a week to have a 'free day' and since i hadn't seen Matt or Jenny for the last three days. I decided to call...no answer, I walked to Matts house and his mom answered the door.

"Oh, Hi Sam" she said kind of confused

"Hi Mrs. Espinosa, is Matt home?"

"Yeah he's upstairs. Are you okay?" She asked

"Yeah. Its a little rough at home but it's okay" I said confused

"Oh its just that Matt had told me you and him had split up over a month ago"

"Uh, we didn't split up, I just haven't seen him for the last few days so I thought I'd come and see him"

"Well he's upstairs in his room you can head up there" i nodded and walked up. I saw his door but I heard noise, I figured if was just the tv. He was probably asleep.  I creaked the door open and was ready to burst into tears right there


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