14. The End?

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Cam? What the fuck is he doing here? Why is he here? All he does is fuck up my life and cause me nothing but pain.

I run upstairs and sit in my room on my bed, its locked so not even Olivia or Cam can get in. I'm not even gonna bother getting up to get myself put.

"Sam" I heard a muffled voice behind my door knocking on it.

"Sam, baby, let me in" he knocked again.

I stayed silent, hoping he won't be able to get in. The sound stops for a second and I stop worrying.
That is until the door opened. Cam stood in my door way with a bobby pin in his hand

"I do not, have time to talk to you" I crossed my arms rolling my eyes at him

"Sam baby, please"

"Now we've already talked more than I wanted to" I get up and walk into my bathroom. Slamming the door and locking it hoping he wont get in like last time, he probably will.

"I don't want to talk to you Cameron, just leave me alone"

"Sam, just let me explain" he pleads from the other side of the door

"Haven't you already hurt me enough? you had me Cameron and you wrecked it, then you come back and fuck my sister again"

"When you put it like that.." Was the last thing I heard before silence. I unlock the door open it then I'm grabbed and pinned against the wall

"Please just let me explain to you"

"No Cameron, give me one reason why I should give you that chance" I say struggling out of his grip "just go and fuck my sister would you? You've already given me a reason to hurt myself." He stops and let's go

"My parents, Matt and Jenny, Liv, now you, no one's ever going to care anymore, there's no point in anything" I walk to my bathroom and he just stands there on the verge of tears. I grab my razor and bring it to my wrist.

Cameron grabs my wrist that had the razor in it and brings it to his arm.

"No Sam, you can't do this to yourself" he pleads "if you want to do this; cut me as many times as you would yourself"

"Cam don't even try to act like you care, you already hurt me enough, I don't want to be alive anymore" I drop the razor and fall to my knees bursting into tears

"Baby girl stop it, you need to be alive and breathing"

"I don't want it anymore, its all just pointless, I hate every day now, and its all because of you" I shout and get up. This is all because of him. And myself. I'm useless, I'm ugly and I'm an attention seeking whore. I can't do anything right and I'm just a massive screw up. I may hate him as of now; but it doesnt compare to how much I hate myself.

"Sam, stop it, stop thinking like this, if I hadn't have cared, do you think I would be in here? Do you think I would have made the excuse of making up with Olivia just to get here and see you? if I didn't care, would I have dated you behind Olivia's back in the first place?"

"You what?!!" I heard I couldn't even look up, but I knew it was her.

"So this is the reason we broke up, you didn't want me, it was Sam the whole time" she said and he replied with yes. She screams and leaps at me, I don't stop her. Its not like I want to be here anyways. She kicks and punches me until she's pulled away by Cam.

"Let go of me, let go!" She screams, I hear her being put down

"Get out Cameron or I swear I will call the cops right now" she threatens

"Great, then I'll just tell them about the violence and blame you just placed on your own sister, your own flesh and blood Olivia, what are you thinking?" I hear him yell at her. Tears are still in my eyes and they just won't stop

"Just go Cameron" I mumble

"I'm not leaving you here with her"

"Why? She'll give me the thing I want most for myself"

"To kill you?" He asks I lift my head shaking it

"Freedom" I reply

"Death is not liberation Sam, it isn't a way out, it shows sickness and-"

"Sam!" I hear being called out, Olivia walks out and comes back with the Jacks and Madison.

"What are you doing? Get away from her?" Madison shouts at me

"Olivia's the one hurting her" he defends

"Not mentally" I mumble and with this being said he walks out filled with sadness, anger and disappointment on his face. The door slams. I hug her tightly

"Thank you so so much Madison, I don't know how to thank you for this" I cry into her shoulder

"What's Olivia doing?" Gilinsky asks

"I'm going out, I won't be back til tomorrow" and she,walks downstairs and slams the door

"We're all staying here tonight, I'm not leaving you alone again" Madison confirms and we all set up bed movies and snacks.

"Thank you guys so much, you're all so amazing" I hug them all together.

"I finally have people who love me"

The End...

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