East to South

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"San...you...uh..." Callahan seems at a loss for words. It was funny, because I really never see that happen. Then again, today had been full of surprises.

"Yes, I know, let's not talk about it," I muttered, walking to the entrance to the library. Callahan walked warily after me, Treen trailing lifelessly behind him. Jillian, the wuss she is, had fainted when I hit the man in the head. I don't know how I missed that, but really nobody here gives a flying cat shit about Jillian.
We walked through the hallway where all of us had walked so many times before without a care in out minds. It felt so different now that we feared for our lives. Or they feared for their lives.
I caught sight of a red fire alarm, and stopped in front of it. These people couldn't be stupid enough to really believe there was a fire in this situation. Fire alarms existed all over the school, especially in classrooms. One of the kids would easily pull it. But, not all the kids here where stupid. They'd catch on and cause a panic. Maybe they had this all planned out and knew exactly what to do if the alarm went off.
I sensed Callahan behind me and cocked my head.

"Do you think they-"


"But the others-"

"And we need to-"

"Should we-"

"Worth a shot," he shrugged. I shrugged too, leaning over and pulling the alarm. A siren blared through the speakers, giant red bells ringing loudly. I always thought of them as a version of hells bells.

"What just happened?" Asked someone behind us.

"We need to get everyone out," I yelled over the noise.

"They might not fall for it, but at least we tried," added Callahan. A classroom door burst open, kids pouring out. A gun fired without a silencer, and a body dropped. I raised my gun and fired once at the figure in black, and he fell. Another followed, and another. I would run out of ammunition quickly if my aim wasn't precise. The screaming kids ignored the gun shots, or didn't hear them over the alarm.
I couldn't help but notice that so many of them where in one classroom. The attack took place at the end of lunch, everyone was either in the hallway or in the cafeteria. Could they have gathered them all up in one classroom?

"SAN!" Shrieked someone over the alarm.

"WHAT?!" I yelled back, forgetting my aim for a second. Treen stood shaking, her eyes wide as she watched.

"Your missing!" She exclaimed, pointing to the advancing figures. I scowled, and dropped my gun. I pulled the knives out of my belt and met the first man halfway.
Why are there no woman? I thought as I continued to brutally stab and kill the men. I didn't feel like wasting time, staving them directly in their hearts. Bodies dropped all around me until the last assailant began to fire his gun. I dodged it, and gave him an astonished look.

"Excuse me?" I shouted, shocked that he would fire at me. I don't know why, it just happened. I jumped on him, tackling him and stabbing his already lifeless body again and again.
When I was satisfied with my handiwork, I stood up and glanced around, catching the terrified looks of the other kids. I glanced back down to my shirt, now stained with a few drops of blood. My hands, however, where a different story. It looked like I'd dropped a key in a bucket of tomato juice and reached in with both hands to get it. The siren was abruptly cut off, and I looked up to meet the eyes of a twelfth grader with both hands on the fire alarm. She gasped as my eyes met hers, and fell back a step.

"Ehe.....fuck," I breathed, looking back at everyone. At first I thought they'd been afraid of the men, but really they'd been scared of what I was doing to them.

"Oh stop it guys," Callahan, muttered, walking over to one of the bodies and taking a gun from his hand.

"Yeah, jeez, it's not like I'm raping them," I rolled my eyes, stepping off the body and shaking my hands to get the blood off.

"Sanchester!" Exclaimed Callahan. I jumped at his tone.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"That's weird!"

"I was just pointing out it could be worse!"

"I think we can figure that out on our own!"

".....your face!" I said, unable o think of a better comeback.

"Guys, are we really doing this now?! We have to get the kids out of the school! And San, what do you know about this?!" Shouted Ethan, totally done with our petty squabbling. I froze at his words. Again, I caught the petrified glances of my school mates as they took in the damage I'd done. I frowned and looked at the floor, contemplating it.
They deserve an explanation, said the nice part of me.
Not everyone gets what they deserve, I countered, thinking that the death of the man I'd just stabbed was far worse then what he actually deserved.
You owe them an explanation, said the nice part.
I owe them absolutely nothing! I just saved their lives, if anything they owe me!

"Sanchester?" Squeaked Treen. She sounded so scared and so betrayed. But it wasn't enough to get me to talk.

"Speak, San," said Callahan. This should have had no effect on me. My mortal enemy giving me a command? Nothing should happen to phase me. The lack of feeling in his voice should have added to that. But I couldn't help but notice it. He didn't sound betrayed, he sounded like he knew this was coming. Like he predicted this. Like he knew me. And the idea of him thinking he knows me angered me to know end.
And we all do stupid things when we're angry.
I scowled at his feelingless eyes, taking a step forward in anger.

"I don't know if what I know is right, and I don't want to mislead you," I said accusingly.

"It's something! Don't you think we deserve to know why your murdering people left and right?" Asked Ethan, frowning. I glared at the floor, rocking forward on my heels and clenching my fists. I was at a really big battle with myself here.
The knowledge could kill them.
Why do I care if they die?
Because then you would have killed these people for no reason.
I owe them no explanation.
You owe them a reason these people had to die.
I owe them nothing!
You owe them a reason!

"Sanchester, are you-"

"I'm fine!" I exclaimed, cutting Callahan off.

"If you tell us you'll feel better," he stated quietly.

"Why do you care how I feel?!" He didn't seem to have an answer for that. At that point, I made my decision.

"I owe you people nothing! I'm saving your asses here! I say you take that much, and to hell with you if you question it!" I exclaimed, putting the knives in my belt when I was done. Treen looked at the floor, seeming to be disappointed. Ethan looked like he was about to blow up, and the rest of them still looked scared. More so, now that they knew for sure I was purposely saving their lives, that they where the reasons I killed all these people.
I absolutely refused to look at Callahan.

"We should know if we are going to die or not," whispered Treen.

"What did you say?!" Exclaimed Ethan, stepping forward furiously. Come to think of it, sweet little Ethan was never seen angry.

"I said, WE SHOULD KNOW WETHER TO FEAR FOR OUR LIVES OR NOT!" Shouted Treen back at him, a little of her old spitefulness towards Ethan and his crew returning. Shocked by her outburst, as Ethan had never received her insults directly, he took a step back and momentarily lost his words. Treen seemed pleased with herself before returning to her state of shock. When he regained his words, he turned to me expectantly.

"Well, San? Will we die?" He challenged, raising his eyebrows. I was going to give him a straight forward answer- one word, if I could- but his challenge made me feel the need to by cryptic.

"No, but you'll wish you did if they catch you," I said, walking past everyone. They parted like the Red Sea for me to walk through, and as overused as that metaphor was, I couldn't come up with a better way to describe how they moved. One or two particularly terrified people raised their arms and backed everyone away. I didn't meet their eyes, knowing if I did I would glare at them.

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