Blood to be spilled and a favour to be owed

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"I-I'm sorry, I just-" I still couldn't think straight. I hated this expression of misery on his face.

"It's okay, it's selfish anyways," he sighed out, after clearing his throat. He stepped back, letting me go. And just like that, it was over. It was like time had frozen, and now had started again.

"I. AM. SHOT. SOMEONE HELP ME! IM GOING TO DIE!" Shouted Aphrodite. I whirled around wiping the tears off my face. I took a deep, shaking breath and faced the others. I walked past Callahan, meeting his eyes for a second before jogging to Aphrodite.

"IM GOING TO DIE! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE IM SO DONE WITH THIS SHIT!" She shouted, holding her right shoulder.

"Too bad those guys can't tell left from right, huh?" I said to Ethan. He gave me a menacing look and lent down beside his girlfriend.


"Oh shut up and hold still," I muttered, kneeling down beside her. I lifted her shoulder off the lockers and looked behind her. I ignored her exaggerated shouts of pain. I'm sure it hurt, but I was barley touching her wound. Sure enough, the bullet was lodged in the locked behind her at an awkward angle of impact.

"Relax, it went right through. You'll be fine," I muttered, ripping the sleeve of her shirt off and creating a makeshift sling.

"Do you know how much money this cost me?!" She exclaimed as she saw what I was doing.

"Your clothes or your life?" I growled, tying the sling around her neck and around her arm.

"My clothes," she rolled her eyes. I didn't know if it was an answer or a comeback, so I stared at her. I then continued to save her life.

"Sanchester, it's uh, getting dark out," said a kid in grade eleven, standing by the window.

"Hells bells," I swore, dropping the over dramatic bimbo and walking over to stand beside him. I didn't know him, seen him around maybe but we weren't aquatinted. His hair was dirty blonde, glasses with a nerdy pun in the corner, written in cursive. Average looking, maybe a little less. Obviously shy, he tensed up noticeably but tried to play it off. It must have taken him a lot of courage to still stand.

"So it is," I muttered, looking out the window. It didn't seem like it, but the sun was already setting. I'd have to do something.

"Alright people, listen up," I said, addressing the group of awkward teenagers, "as much as I hate to admit it, this school isn't full of idiots. They've taken most of the students by now, but they without a doubt know there are groups of resistance around the school. They'll stay here overnight, longer if possible, and keep all the children here. It would be too much of a risk for them if they evacuated. But anyway, we are out of time. They'll block off every entrance we have, even the ones we don't use. We can't escape unless we overpower them which will be hard, considering we only have around two people with valuable skills here," I stated, putting my hands on my hips, "does anyone know where we could stay?"

"How do you-" started Callahan.

"It's pointless to ask questions, Chris," surprisingly, Ethan cut him off with a blank expression. And yee who ignore the gracious and mighty Ethan shall be brutally sipped from existence, so Callahan kept his stupid mouth shut.

"Fine then, why are you the only one who's considered a valuable asset?" Glared Chris.

"Easy, because I'm not sharing the roll of executioner with anyone else," I shrugged.

"Why not?" He asked, also crossing his arms.

"Because the devil told me no, anymore questions?" It was invented as a really bad joke, but I got no laughs. I even got some holy start get the holy water looks from the Christian kids.

"We could stay in the locker rooms?" Spoke up Treen.

"Why would we stay there? Those things smell terrible!" Said Ethan harshly.

"Because the Locker rooms must have already been looked over if they came from that direction, so they won't expect us to be there," she said, pointing to where the men had come from. That was the general direction of the locker rooms for the South Gym I guess.

"There could be more people," stated Aphrodite.

"Then San will kill em and be done with it. I mean, look and all the bodies. Seriously, that's a lot of dead people," said Treen, frowning at Aphrodite. I felt a pang of pain in my chest, and suddenly my knees gave out. OH HELL TO THE MOTHER FUCKING POTATO CHIPS NO! I refuse to be on my KNEES in front of these people!
I caught myself on the shoulder of the kid beside me, but the pain was still there. One hand flew to cover my mouth as I tried not to scream in agitation. Well for all I knew I could be having a stroke here.

"A-a-are you o-o-okay?" Asked the kid, raising his hand to support my elbow.

"Hells fucking bells," I managed to choke out staring at the floor. Well fuck my life, I guess I'm dying then. Oh well, it was it was not it was pretty shitty I'll admit.


"San? Are you okay?" Asked someone. I think they continued their conversation with Treen about the locker rooms, but I couldn't hear them.


I think it was then that Callahan noticed my pain.


I think I heard footsteps but I wasn't sure, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. Callahan was kneeling in front of me, an expression of pure concern written all over his face. He lifted my chin up slightly so he could meet my eyes, and I stared at him in confusion.

"Do you know why it hurts?" He whispered.

"No," I gasped out.

"Can you stand?"

"No," I breathed again.

"You know there is nothing you can do to stop me from helping you, so you better just tell me if you know," he whispered. I don't think anyone else heard, I'd been whispered to like this before. By any teacher during any test that I found difficult. When I asked a question, I was whispered to so anyone else would have struggled hard to understand what said teacher was saying, but couldn't understand. I didn't like it.
But knowing he wanted to help me in spite of all I'd done was still a comfort.
The aching feeling of heartburn combined with paintball shots and being hammered in the chest with a golf club soon faded out, leaving my knees in a even worse state then before.

"I'm going to help you stand up now."

"That's probably a good idea," I breathed. He straightened up and put an arm around my waist, lifting me up. He thanked the kid beside me quietly, dismissing him. I glanced at the assholes in front of me and prepared myself for the sarcastic comments about my so called 'skill asset' now.

"Where's your 'skill asset' now?" Asked Aphrodite. Ethan nudged her to shut up. I was surprised. Almost everyone was staring at the floor in shame. Shame? For what? Everyone but Aphrodite and Chris, that is. She mouthed a word to me, something like 'whore' or 'slut' or something else that I couldn't care less about.

"What-" I whispered.

"I don't-"

"We should-"

"Yeah," whispered Callahan. This was probably beginning to get annoying for everyone around us, but honesty we'd been having these exchanged fore such a long time that by now it was regular. Once in middle school a teacher made the mistake of pairing us up. During class we did nothing but fight about the project-a bridge made out of Popsicle sticks and tap and other limited resources- but ended up breaking the school record. I know we where both such loud mouths that we ended up practically yelling out our plans at each other, but we did it by interrupting each other the whole time so I guess in some twisted universe we make a good team.
When we aren't busy running from preppy girls and having therapy in West.
I'm attached to him now, aren't I?

Shit hole:


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