A New Friend

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For the past few days I have been miserable. I obviously needed a new friend. I called my mom last night and told her everything. She said she would come visit me soon. I decided to go out to eat for breakfast. I chose the waffle house. When I arrived I sat at a table and ate alone. I noticed another girl my age sitting alone too. Eventually she came up to me and sat at my table.

"Hi, I'm Jasmine." She said.

"Reagan" I said to her.

"Why are you alone" She said concerned.

"I'm new around here and, well, things haven't been great." I told her. She looked at me like she wanted to know, so I told her everything. We ended up talking for about an hour. She said that something similar happened to her last month.

"Well I better get going, here is my number" she said while writing something down. Then I wrote down my number and gave it to her. Then we said our goodbyes and left.

*back at the apartment building*

I walked into the lobby and pressed the elevator button. When it opened Mark was in there. I quickly moved over to the other elevator, but Mark followed me over.

"Look Reagan-"

"I don't want to here it' I said cutting him off.

"But I'm sorry. Can you please give me another chance." He said, practically begging.

"I will have to think about it" I said while walking into the elevator. Mark looked like he wanted to come in with me but he just walked away.

When I got in my apartment I quickly called Jasmine to tell her.

J- hello?
R- hey, jasmine. Its me, Reagan.
J- Omg! Hi!
R- guess what just happened.
J- what??
R- I saw Mark in the lobby and he apologized.
J- what did you say?
R- I told him I would have to think about it.
J- girl! You can take all the time in the world after what he did to you.
R- thanks, I'm gonna go
J- okay bye!

"Wow. Jasmine is a total white girl!"

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