The date

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I smiled a huge smile at Mark. Then he took my hand and we went out to his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"A restaurant called Rents" He said. It didn't sound like a fancy restaurant but I trusted him.

When we pulled in I was completely wrong about it not being fancy. The building was all white and had flowers everywhere. There were big glass doors. When we walked in it was even better.

"Last name?" The lady at the front desk answered.

"Fischbach" Mark answered. The lady directed us to our table.

"A waiter will be at your service soon." The lady said. Then she left.

"Mark this is wonderful." I told him. He smiled. I was so happy to have him in my life.

Soon the waiter came back.

"May I take your order?" She asked.

"I will have the garden salad with Italian dressing." I said.

"All right. Anything to drink?" She said.

"Yes, I will take a raspberry iced tea" I told her. Then she turned to Mark.

"I will have a steak, and to drink I will have a Dr. Pepper." He said. The waiter nodded and left.

"Hey I was thinking about something." Mark said to me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Ever since I was little I've wanted a dog. Maybe we should get one?"

"That would be awesome!" I practically yelled.

"Let's get one tomorrow!" He said. I smiled. I was excited.

About 10 minutes later our food came.

"Hey Reagan? What's with you and Marissa?" Mark asked. I rolled my eyes.

"She isn't being much of a friend lately" I told him. He nodded. We continued eating and talking. Then we left.

We arrived at my apartment.

"Thanks for an amazing night" I told him. He smiled.

"Bye Reagan" He said. I waved. Then I went to bed, not crying, but smiling.

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