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Author Note|| As I stated in my description, this is a sequel to Trickster. GAH! I never thought I was going to do I sequel but I'm going for it! But anyways Please read Trickster before reading this! :) Please comment your thoughts on this and vote :D

Ariel's POV

The musty memories of dying still painted her vision.

Blinding pain as the bullet hit her shoulder, falling to the ground and her entire vision shifted as the poison infected her entire body. She could hear Stiles' cry as he caught her before she fell to the ground, his arms embraced her as they sunk to the ground together.

She remembered how frantic he was, desperate to take her pain away as her last breath left her lips. But before she went she saw the change in his eyes, the shift of the humanity leaving him. Hiding deep with in the boys mind, Stiles had ran away leaving a monster in his place. However Ariel tried to call out, tried to bring the boy back before he lost it.

But she was too late.

Dying in his arms her vision faded to blackness, fear clung to her gut to what Stiles was going to do. She feared it, she dreaded it, her father didn't stand a chance.

And humanity would be brought to it's knees.

The beast was rising, and nothing could stop it.

Ariel was taught of the past of the Vixen's, creatures who fead of chaos and pain. By tricking those of humans so the Sindhe's stood up. Her family called to an end of these monsters, killing most of them before the caused more damage. After the war the rest of the Vixens vowed to never use their powers for bad, that they would live with humans peacefully. But her father had thought differently of that.

He demanded every single one should be killed, that not one Vixen could be trusted. So Ariel listened to her dad, that was until she had met Stiles.


She was sitting in her 7th grade class, head down, her red hair covered her face as she kept drawing on her paper.

"Class!" Their teacher announced causing Ariel to glance up. "This is Stiles Stilinski, he is joining this school from... Leaving his other one." The teacher hesitated but the boy's eyes lit up.

"I was expelled!" He yells causing the girls to gasp and the boys to cheer him on. But Ariel stayed quiet, she was studying the boys eyes. A small flicker danced behind them, mischief. With horror she realized he was one of them.

Her fathers words came back to her as she watched him, "If you see anyone like that, tell me. I must know Ariel, understand?" His voice had been harsh but she would always listen to her father. So she did, not knowing what her father did to them once she told him.

But when Stiles sat down next to her, a smile spread across his face and he glanced down at her page.

"Whatcha drawing? He had asked, leaning forward to get a better look.

"A dove." She mumbled and Stiles' eyes brightened.

"That's quiet the little dove you have there." He chuckled and the name had stuck, after that it was all he called her.

Little Dove.

And Ariel loved it, so she never told her father about the boy with mischief behind his eyes.


Love came much later, but a friendship had blossomed that day. And Ariel started to question her father, not trusting him until her very last breath.

Ever since she died she had watched him, grow and become the monster he had always feared he would. She remembered the late nights when he held her close, mumbling into her ear;

"I don't want to be a monster."

Now she watched him with remorse as he killed, tortured anything he could. His eyes were no longer glowing with the happiness, the joy, the bravery that they used too. Just darkness as he pushed himself along, killing Stiles in the process. Most the time she would wonder if Stiles was still in there, somewhere, breaking through the surface and trying to hold back his demon. Ariel could only hope.


They called him Trickster, as if it was a joke. But she guessed she rathered the name more than them saying Stiles, because that wasn't the boy she had loved.

The boy she did love.


Sometimes she couldn't watch, sometimes he was just so evil it caused her pain to watch him. At first it was the worst.

When Stiles would sometimes fight, try to stop himself as he desperately tried to end himself before he hurt anymore people. But his own fear and chaos only fead the monster more, laughing at the desperate attempt to stop himself. Obviously, he gave in, embracing the darkness and became the monster he feared as Ariel could only watch in terror.

Stop my love, stop! She would cry, but he couldn't hear her, she was only dead. But sometimes he would pause and glancing behind him, the word Ariel? Hung at his lips but was never said, and he would only shrug it off, moving onto his next victim.


After 100 years he ran into Lydia Martin. The girl had to be related to Ariel in some way because she looked just like the teen who had died decades before.

In ways Ariel had hoped Lydia could save Stiles, bring him back. But of course he was simply only a monster in everyone eyes. But sometimes Stiles would come back at the confusion of seeing the one he had loved standing before him, but the McCall pack only made it worse.

The attempt to kill him was lame, to believe they killed a being who had spent years learning his power, becoming even more powerful. Well you can't just kill that with a sword, and the bite of a werewolf. But it seemed Stiles played along with the trick, pretending to be dead but Lydia must have figured it out.

She never told anyone, which caused Ariel to scream in frustration. It caused her to want to live.

Ariel was sick of watching the person she loved, turn into the monster he had feared. She would live up to her promise.

We will meet again.

She had said it, and now she had meant it. Ariel wasn't going to watch the boy she once knew tear himself apart.

On the ground, far into a long forgotten forest.

A dead girls eyes flashed open again.

Vixen || Sequel to Trickster (Stiles Stilinski AU)Where stories live. Discover now