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Failure was the only thing she felt.

She needed to save him and yet she had no idea how, he had fallen so dark she could barely find the boy she once loved. Placing a hand on her stomach she sucked in a heavy breath.

"If I'm alive..." Her voice trailed off as she stared at the growing part of her body, a life that was slowly being created. It was apart of her.

And a part of him.

Standing she felt her legs go wobbly as she pushed herself further down the dark road. The McCall pack probably already thought she was dead, that he had ripped her apart. But she saw him, Stiles was still there.




"I think the Stilinski kid is checking you out." She hears Ann whisper over, smirking as She glanced over to see Stiles. He sent her a smirk, than a wave before one of his friends pulled him away.

"Yeah we've known each other since grade 7" She mumbles, a blush stretching across her face. "He's a vixen Ann, I'm not telling my dad because he doesn't deserve to die. But... Nothing could ever happen between us."

Ann smirks, "it's only freshman year cuz, never say never."


She really wished she had said never.
Now, back from the dead, she was confused. Scared and almost wondering if it would have been better if she had stayed dead.


Trickster's POV

Someone was going to die today. Not only was he angry, he was scared.

And the Trickster hated feeling scared. It was such a human emotion that he didn't deserve to feel. He was a powerful beast, a monster that had years of training. He didn't have a single weak spot...

Well except one. Ariel. The only link to his old life, his old self. The only one that could make him hesitate, the only one who could control the beast and he hated that. He needed to end this weakness,

But of course he couldn't do that.

The scent of wolves caught his attention as he swiftly turned. Standing was Scott with his teeth bared.

"Where's Ariel? Did you kill her." He snarled, and the Trickster grinned.

"And if I did?"

"He didn't, I would have sensed death." Someone says behind Scott, the Trickster guessed it was Lydia with her skirt that was shorter than anything Ariel would wear.

"Than where is she?" Scott muttered, "you still love her, I don't think you want her to get hurt do you?"

Raising an eyebrow he chuckled, "Scott, you don't understand. I'm probably the most heartless thing you'll ever meet. I could careless what happens to her."

"He's lying." A new voice says, groaning the Trickster turned around how many of these guys are there.

She had short brown hair and a very angry looking expression, "he's heart it jumped."

"Oh who's the pissed off one. Malia is it?" A snarl let him known he was correct.

Than he spotted her, walking up the forest floor, her strawberry blonde hair tied up into a high bun. Her eyes wild as his met hers.

"Ariel, darling it's great for you to join us." But inside the Trickster wanted to cry out, no.

Stiles, wanted to cry out. Whenever she was around the humanity was stronger, Stiles became stronger. And maybe he couldn't fight much longer.

But she kept marching, not stopping beside Scott. She walked right up to the Trickster, the most feared beast of all. An immortal being that couldn't be stopped and had so much power;

And she slapped him across the face.

So hard it actually stung. Stumbling back in surprise he glanced over at her.

"Stiles I know your in there, so start fighting."

"You slapped me!"

"No shit, have any of you tried physical harm against him?" Ariel asks turning to the park.

Malia frowned, "we stabbed him through the stomach."

Ariel's eyes widened, "Oh right, I forgot about that. Lydia wasn't really watching much, I almost managed to get her to stand and save him."

"And than I brought you back from the dead." Lydia smirked as Scott frown, confusion filtered onto his face before shaking his head.

But the Trickster was not amused, his eyes had darkened and he stalked the pack slowly. Watching as Ariel's eyes followed him. Gritting her teeth she snarled, "Kill one of us, I dare you."

"Oooh! I love truth or dare. I choose truth this time."

Scott's eye lit up as a growl escaped his mouth, but before he could lunge Ariel raised her hand.

"Do you remember who you were? Before this." She asked,

"Stiles, Stiles Stilinski. A boy of wonder and supernatural abilities, keeping his powers deep down inside him. Until one day... He snapped, his powers breaking free." Throwing his hands in the air he grinned, "and behold! I was made."

Malia stepped foreword pushing past Lydia "but your still Stiles, you have his memories."

"I suppose so, but it's my turn now. Ariel, if you are the girl I once loved, what were you hiding from me on the day you died."

Ariel stepped back, her eye shifting over to Scott than Malia's and finally to Lydia's.

"I was pregnant."

The Trickster wasn't going to lie, he hadn't completely gone over the thought of having, raising a child. At the time he had heard the second heart beat but he was more concerned on getting him and Ariel out alive, but now it was more of a reality.

The small sound of another life.

"Yes, yes my child. Our child. And now with you back, is it back too?" He asked, turning swiftly but Ariel had already backed up near Scott. "Did you guys really think you can change my ways? Maybe 100 years ago I'd change for her. But what is she? She can't be Ariel! Not the girl that got shot in the chest by her very own father! A zombie is all you are." He snapped stepping forward. "I will kill you all of you if you keep coming back. I'm being kind letting you live. But I don't stay kind for long."

And with that he disappeared into thin air.

Vixen || Sequel to Trickster (Stiles Stilinski AU)Where stories live. Discover now