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Trickster's POV

Stiles was coming back. After years of pushing his old self away he could barely hang on, staring at his hands he would wonder what he has become. A monster. The guilt was blinding and the urge to create more chaos was swallowing him whole.

He was loosing his mind... again.

He wasn't sure if that was even possible, but as he sat alone in the cold woods. He sure wasn't doubting it. Glancing up he stares at the spot he had held her when she was dying, just looking at it brought back painful memories he had spent decades pushing away. The thought of having her back in his arms scared him.

He didn't think he'd understand what to do anymore. And even if found away to bring himself back, to bring back the humanity that had been absent for a hundred years, he doubted she could even look at him the same way. Knowing what he had done, how he had killed her family, everyone she loved and more. Innocent people for fun had there lives ripped apart because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just because he felt like causing pain.

He wasn't sure if he could live with himself anymore.

Running a hand through his hair he cursed himself silently. Stop feeling! He scolded himself, he hated this battle. He didn't know how much longer he could take being split down the middle.

Humanity vs Choas.

Human vs Vixen

An impossible battle that he was sick of fighting.


Ariel's POV

"He's gone."

It was the first words to fall out of her lips once they reached Scott's home. Lydia gave her a sympathetic look before placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry." She whispered and Ariel gave her a confused look.

"For what?"

"For bringing you back," Lydia hesitated, "I was desperate, I thought you could save him. To bring him back. To end the on going war and bring peace again. But I only ripped open wounds for you."

Ariel stayed quiet. She wasn't sure how she felt. But she wasn't going to blame it on Lydia, she only wanted to save her friends. And if she was in her position, she figured she'd do the same thing.

"What do we do now?" Ariel asked.

Storming in Scott threw his helmet on the couch, "We keep trying." He says, quickly turning to Ariel. "Don't give up yet, we can't."

"He's gone, I thought we had a chance but-" Ariel tried protesting but Scott raised his hand.

"If I have learned anything in my years, it's that we don't give up."


The plan was stupid. So so so stupid. Ariel was starting to question the sanity of these people.

She sat alone in the woods, a knife held up to her stomach. And fresh tears running down her face.

"Stiles!" She cried, remembering to keep her heart rate up and her anxiety high. And that wasn't much of a struggle.

"He's not stupid, he knows when we are trying not to trick him. So we need to do something that we will actually do."

The words she said runs though her head at an alarming rate as regret filled her entire body. Sucking in a breath she forced herself to be steady.

"Please, please come back to me." She whimpered, her makeup was starting to burn her eyes. And her legs started to tremble again. "I'll kill myself again. I have no wish to live on this earth without you beside me."

A branch snapped.

Now maybe it wasn't much to someone who was watching who knew nothing of who the Trickster was before.

But Ariel knew Vixens. They were skilled with elegance, tripping or even stepping on something wrong was unheard of.

That's what made Stiles Stilinski so special. With him holding back his power since birth he lost the talent of elegance. Assuming once he let go of the Vixen blood he regained that skill, he must be holding back.

"Stiles!" She cried louder this time, "Fight it! I love you! I know this isn't you." Her words soon fell silent when she saw him.

He had stepped out of the shadow, blood was dripping for his hands his face had tears running down them as he collapsed on the ground.

"Ariel." He croaked out but his eyes slowly fell shut causing Scott to leap for out of the woods.

"What the hell-" He started but quickly grabbed Ariel's arm when she tried to run to her lost lover. "Don't, it's probably a trick." He hissed but Ariel yanked her arm back.

"I don't care if it's a trick!" She cried and broke out into a run. Scrambling to the boy's side.

Scott braced himself for the Trickster to grab the girl and kill her. But instead two words was muttered into the air,

"Little Dove." His bloodied hand wrapped around her wrist but Ariel didn't wince, his touch my gentle but his finger prints were imprinted on her skin from the blood. The sound of footsteps behind her caused her to rise as Scott studied the boy that laid on the ground.

"He killed someone." Scott growled but Ariel grabbed his arm.

Her eyes were wide with desperation, "We can save him Scott. We can end this war." Scott said nothing as he stared at the body of the monster. Her hands tightened around his arm as she tried to pull the alpha along, her desperation was obvious. But at this point she didn't know what living was without him.

She was brought back for him.

She wasn't about to let him die. Scott glanced over to Ariel and sighed, "he could kill us all."

"He won't."

"And how are you so sure." Scott snapped, turning to face her, anger had taken his form as he remembered everything the Trickster had done. The Trickster didn't deserve to live.

"Because this is Stiles."

When Ariel spoke the name caught his attention. Stiles, not the Trickster, Stiles. A boy who had a family, who had suffered through pain in loss.

Maybe he did deserve to live.

Author Note - Hey! I'm not getting very many votes and comment on these chapters anymore so if you could leave some feedback that would be great :) thanks guys! Love ya all.

Also did you like the Teen Wol finale?
One word
(Y'all though I was gonna say Stydia haha no I'm femslash trash)

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