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Tricksters POV

He moved in the crowd like them. Blending in with the human race and his head hung low as he pushed himself along the street. Everything with in him screamed for a break as he held onto everything to stop him from turning into complete dust in the streets of the city.

Smart assholes.

Was the only numbing thought he could formulate with in his sick and twisted brain. Back deep with in his mind a voice he had dismissed, killed was back chirping.

"The actual hell are you doing, stop it!" It rang so quietly, yet so annoyingly the Trickster was surprised he hadn't snapped already. Well he technically already had, but still.

His humanity wanted back.

It was her, the girl she had looked so much like Ariel it drove him more mad. It brought back memories that he had pushed away for a good reason, it made him remember who he was.  

Stiles Stilinski. A boy who had the worse case of ADHD and hated who he was.

Goddamn the Trickster was annoyed.

Finally, giving up on the streets, he found the opening to an alleyway to press his back against. Breathing heavily he tried to clear his mind and focus on getting his powers back to full strength. But having his annoying subconscious yelling at him wasn't going to help.


He heard her scream.

It was quiet, a small whisper in the winds but it was unmistakable. Pausing, the Trickster thought maybe it was just Lydia, being the banshee of her pack. But he knew another banshee, her scream was higher and louder than the rest.

"Goddamn it, find her! Or I'll do it for you." The voice screamed in the back of his mind causing him to snarl.

"She's dead dumbass. Do you really want to see what we've done, I don't think you want to come back."

Stiles' quickly shut up.


Still pushing among the street, the vixen was annoyed. Last of his kind, and crazy to the point he heard his old self yelling at him in back of his mind. Groaning he fell against another wall and closed his eyes, the headache that seemed to be spreading through his entire body throbbed more as the voice spoke up.

"Stop it! Stop doing this!"

"Shut up, I swear to god. I already got rid of you, back off." He grumbled, running a hand through his hair as anger boiled at the pit of his stomach.

"What are we doing?" Stiles asked, and the trickster rolled his eyes. He was sick of feeing this crazy, he was sick of hearing himself scold him.

Fuck humanity.

"Your dead asshat, you died the night she died, you died...." After that, it was all the Trickster kept repeating until the voice spoke for one last time.

"If your humanity is coming back. Who else is back?"

Now he wasn't so sure how he felt about that.


A thought arose in his mind as he sat thinking about the night he thought he was going to die. When Scott McCall had almost managed to trick him, but thankfully he had figured out seconds before they almost won.

But for a small, small second Stiles was himself again. He forced himself to stay, to hold himself there and let the sword kill him, he wanted to die. To stop himself from going any farther. But of course he pulled Stiles back as his humanity faded and he flees getting away.

Do you not feel anything?

It was a vague thought from, he guessed himself.

"I feel her." He whispered, deciding on the answer.

Lydia? The girl?

"No, never. It'll always be Ariel, dead or not. Lydia's not Ariel I know that, but I'm not entirely convinced she isn't at least a tiny bit connected to Ariel." He muttered to himself, some girl passing by was staring at him. Sighing the trickster shook his head a pretended to be on a phone so he didn't look completely crazy in the eyes of other people.

What are you going to do about it?

"I'm going back to Scott McCalls pack."  


Ariel's POV

When she awoke in a strange room the only thing she could think of doing was scream.

It echoed through the house, as the banshee part of her was let go again. Perhaps she was screaming because someone was actually going to die, or the fear was tearing at her gut so she couldn't help it. She prayed that maybe Stiles could hear because he had always heard her before.

Soon the door swung open as Scott appeared again, but a girl who looked exactly like Ariel stood by his side,

Lydia Martin.

Her eyes were the only difference between the two, they were brighter and more green in them. But Ariel kept her eyes locked with the girl as for some reason she felt anger to the two standing in front of her.

"So this is her. Back from the dead." Scott says simply, pointing to the girl who sat on the bed with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Were's Stiles." She snaps, her voice even as she stared at Scott.

"Dead." He snarls back causing Ariel's eyes to darken. And Lydia to roll her eyes, crossing her arms as she pushed past Scott. Leaning in front of Ariel they locked eyes.

"You want to find Stiles?" Her voice was higher than Ariels. More girly.

Scowling she nodded her head, "Obviously." She muttered.

"I like her." Lydia smiled as she straightened herself out. Glancing over to Scott who held a frown on his face.

"Lydia! She's a girl, back from the dead!" He shrieked throwing his hands in the air.

Lydia grinned only wider, "I know right? Isn't it awesome!"

Scott slammed his fist down on a near by table and stormed out of the room. Leaving Lydia alone with her seemingly twin.

"You know something." Ariel hissed, her eyes darkening as she watched the girl pace across the room.


"Spit it out."

Ariel was so sick of bullshit and this girl was adding to her already high nerves. She tried to reach out with her mind to get to Stiles, anything, to know that he was okay.

"You know why I'm back." Is the flat words she spat out to Lydia who smirked.

"I'm the one who brought you back."

Vixen || Sequel to Trickster (Stiles Stilinski AU)Where stories live. Discover now