Killer Or Lover?

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Trickster's POV

Once he made it into the dark, damp forest, he screamed. Falling to the ground he was at a loss, a pit opening inside him as he cried out. The cold pain was mix of his dark side with Stiles. Everything was smashing into him at once, and the boy was starting to wonder if the McCall pack actually should have succeed on killing him.

"I can't do this." He whispered to himself as he pulled himself into a ball. "No... I can't no longer."

As he sat there, his back resting against an old, burnt tree where Ariel had died. His graze was elsewhere because for the very first time in 100 years;

The Trickster cried.


Ariel watched. Her back pressed against a tree and the wind whistling past her, she stared at the man breaking down on the ground. Scott had warned her not to come, and in all honesty she hadn't thought she would. But something pulled her out. To see the boy she once loved, or perhaps, to find him.

He was bent over, sobs wracking his body and he shook. Ariel studied him, he still wore the plaid that he loved. But his hair was darker, his skin paler and his eyes deader. Stiles was gone, a mystery to where he was or even if he'll be coming back was all Ariel could think. Sure she was scared, all of his crimes he had done rest in her mind as a warning.

But at the moment she could careless.

Stiles was there, sitting against a tree, alive.

"I know your there, I can hear your heartbeat." The words caught Ariel off guard and fear hit her in the gut. Of course she knew he would find her, he was too smart not to notice the obvious girl hiding behind the dead tree.

"Stiles?" She whispered, the words were soft, quiet. For second, she feared he wouldn't hear her, but the angered growl told her otherwise.

He had pushed himself to his feet and was stalking over to where Ariel stayed. His eyes fire and a dangerous look upon his face, twisted into a dark scowl. "Shhhh, darling, don't awake Stiles. Stiles makes me very mad, and you don't want to see my mad, do you?"

Oh god. Ariel closed her eyes focused her breathing, don't feed him fear she told herself, it'll only make him stronger. But when he turned the corner of the tree and placed his hand over top of where she hid, the fear clamped her throat closed.

"Do you remember me?" The words left her lips without her even thinking, they were cold and harsh but if he did... Well it was her only hope.

He stayed silent, his eyes staring into hers. The coldness of them, how dead they looked set her over the edge. Stiles was no longer there.

"Darling, I told you to shut up. But your not listening... No, no your not." He hissed, his eyes glazing over with madness. But Ariel focused. Staring into the dead eyes she looked for her old lover, any hint of him or even just a sliver of light would make everything worth it.

Just before she thought that the Trickster was going to end her for good, he paused. Staring into her, his cheeks still wet from the tears he had cried earlier.

"My little dove." He whispered, his finger coming to whip away the tears that had fallen from her eyes. His eyes were soft again as he shook. "Oh god, you can't see me like this. I can't control myself anymore, I beg you. Leave. Leave before I loose my grip, before I hurt you."

Ariel didn't want to leave. No, she wanted to stay with him forever to hold him close and promise him that he would never loose her again. But she wasn't dumb, she could see in his eyes be was trying everything to stay slightly sane. Leaning forward she whipped away a single tear of his and leaped to her feet. Bounding away from her old lover who only watched her go, before loosing his grip. Falling back into his pit of doom and chaos.


Memories attacked him. Too fast and he almost thought he truly was going mad as he sat down.

Standing in the cold alleyway, Stiles was staring at the wall. Behind him he heard footsteps but he forced himself to breath, focus and keep himself under control.

"Stiles." It was Ann, Ariel's best friend and a Argent. She held a gun in hand as he turned around, fear left him at once when he saw the weapon. Relief flooded him.

The knife that he was using to attempt to end himself; clattered to the ground. The wounds created by it were already healing. Ann stared as his bottom lip trembled, he stared at her, begging her.

"Ann, she's gone."

The words left his lips, the pain stabbed him slowly. She's gone.

"I know, Stiles, god. I know." Ann eyes were sad, but the gun stayed focused on his head.

Closing his eyes Stiles sighed, "Ann shoot me, please. I don't know how much longer I'll have control."

"Stiles... You'll be with her."

At those words a smile pulled on his lips, that would be good. No one else would die because of him, and to see her again was the only thing he wanted at that moment.

"Thank you." Were the last words out of his mouth before the gun went off. The pain exploded in his chest as he staggered before falling to the ground.

He thought at that moment he would die.

That he would see her again.

Oh how wrong he was, he felt himself fading and the movement of Ann greeting her father.

"I'm proud Ann, you killed the biggest monster in this town." His voice was smooth, but suddenly the strangle noise from Ann allowed him to realize, she was crying.

"He wasn't a monster Dad, he was a broken boy thrown into a life he didn't deserve!" She cried before the sounds of her running off echoed on the wall. The man stalked over to where he laid.

Leaning down his face was so close to Stiles he could smell the last meal he had eaten. "Not dead... Interesting, not a single thing has been able to survive a blow like that."

The mans voice only fuelled Stiles' anger. Trying to keep himself under control, the darkness was grabbing onto him and he was powerless. His life was slipping away with the blood that flowed from his wound. But the anger made him stronger,


"Leave. Before I kill you." It was told through a clinched teeth as he felt himself waking again. The life filling him and his power growing. The man was laughing; it rang in Stiles' ear.

The man was dead before he could finish his breath.

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