Chapter 12

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I woke up, the rough carpet rubbing at the delicate skin on my face. I tried to open my eyes, but I was pressed firmly on the ground, not allowing any eye movement. Something was pressing down on my back, but I didn't know what it was. And then I remembered.

Last night, after growing tired of watching movies, Ben had decided that he would build a fort. The sheets from my bed had been taken and draped over the couch and a maze of chairs. Without anywhere to sleep without being suffocated by a mess of sheets, I decided to sleep under the coffee table. I really don't know how I fit under there in the first place. That table was way too low for even a coffee table.

Sliding out, I stood up and took in a deep breath. Finally I was out of the nightmares of the claustrophobic. Walking over to the kitchen, I realized the fridge had been wiped clean.

Walking over to the couch, I dipped my head under the sheets and looked at Ben. He was still asleep, his mouth hanging open a little. I smiled when I thought of what happened last night. After we separated, he held me close to him while we watched blood spurt out of the heads of murdered assassins.

I looked t him again. He was attractive. His blonde hair was slightly obscuring his dark brown eyes. The same eyes that could leave you speechless with just a glance.

His lids opened, revealing those eyes. He smiled.

"You hungry?" I asked. Looking down at his stomach, he nodded. "Then we have to go out, and I know the perfect place."

I quickly changed into clothes that I hadn't just slept it and ran a brush through the tangle that some might call my hair. I ran my fingers under my eyes to rub off the smudged eye makeup.

Walking back not the newly dubbed "Fort Room", I grabbed my keys.

"Ready to go?" I asked. He nodded his head. Luckily, Michael had stayed at a friend's house last night and wouldn't be making this breakfast slightly awkward. But I did realize when I looked in the rearview mirror of Pocket Protector, I did accidentally wear one of is shirts. It must have gotten mixed in with my laundry.

It seemed that Ben noticed, too, because he gave me a funny look and asked, "That's what she said?"

I just smiled and drove off. He seemed to think it was funny too, for he just started cracking up alongside me.

We pulled up to the turquoise building with the hot pink flowers in front and walked inside. The waitress came to seat us. My favorite thing about this place was that all the waitresses wore roller skates around the restaurant.

"I used to work here, you know?" I said it as more of a statement then a question, though.

"Really?" he asked. I nodded my head yes. We ended up ordering the pancakes and French toast, and the heaping plates were set down before us.

"I think I forgot to tell you," he began, "Brant's coming back for the summer."

"That's great," I said. He had been really missing his brother.

"He wasn't going to, but my parents are, you know, extending their foreign charity work."


After dropping Ben off, I had no idea what to do. Michael would still be at his friend's house, and I tried to text Layla, but she never replied, which meant she was with Derek. So I decided I would take a trip down to the beach.

I wasn't dressed for the beach, but that didn't stop me from running straight towards the water once I arrived. I laid down on the slightly wet, harder sand and let the water caress my toes as it went in and out. I didn't care if I came home wet and sandy. That was the int of summer, wasn't it?

I let the lulling sound of the crashing waves close my eyes. I had probably been laying there for thirty minutes when I heard a voice.

"Hey," it said.

I turned around,knowing who it was from the voice.

Jason sat next to me. And he looked like crap. His black hair was sticking out at odd angles, he had deep purple bags under his eyes, and his skin was ghostly pale.

"I want you back," he pleaded.

Laying back down, I closed my eyes. I kinda felt sorry for him. But then I remembered the blonde girl who he was making out with in the parking lot.

"Screw you," I said simply. But it appeared to be ineffective, for he just continued to sit there, staring at me.

He scratched the back of his neck and he got this tired look on his face. He moved a little away from me, and I smiled at myself. He was finally going to leave me alone.

But instead, he just dug his index finger into the wet sand and started drawing something. When he finished, I looked down to see what it was. It said:

Jason + Sara = Love

This was slightly creepy. I most certainly did not love this guy. And then I really began to feel sorry for him. Did he really love me? I wasn't going to take him back and lead him on, but I would give him a pep talk. And then I looked at the sand once again.

"You spelt my name wrong," I deadpanned.

"No," he said, "It's spelt right." He said it like I was the one who didn't know how to spell my freakin' name. Standing up, I crushed my foot over his sand equation, making the words disappear. He looked hurt.

Rolling my eyes, I stormed away, walking back to my car, ready to get out of this place. He jumped up and jogged to catch up with my angry strides.

"Get away from me," I screamed. Stunned, he stopped moving and I just walked back to the parking lot, finally alone.

But as I was trying to open the sticking driver's side do ore of Pocket Protector, he caught up with me. And when I turned around to tell him off again, he kissed me. And it wasn't a small one, like a peck or something. It was this huge, passionate one. One that I did not return.

I put my hands on his chest and pushed him off of me with all of the force I could manage.

Opening my eyes to see if he finally left or not, I saw that he had. Bt I also saw Ben standing in the distance, looking at me, his face contorted into one of such an extreme rage I had never seen before. But more prominent than the anger, was the pain.

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