Chapter 2

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A/N: Hi again so this Chapter 2 I hope you'll like it~! Enjoy! ^_^ Please do vote


Chapter 2 

*Beep-Beep, Beep-Beep* 

I woke up and turned off my alarm it was 6:45 am I still have an hour and 15 minutes to prepare for school since school starts at 8 am. So I went to the bathroom and let the hot water flow. The feeling of excitement and nervousness is building up within me I was excited because it's my 1st day and I'm going to start a new leaf and nervous because what if they like me or it might be the same as my past or how am I going to introduce myself since I am always shy. Get hold on yourself Lucy! Think positive it won't be the same anymore since Levy's here right?  

It was 7:30 am and I'm already ready to go to school since it only takes 15 minutes to walk to school so it's okay to be early because I still have to check my section and other stuff. So I went out of our house and I saw Levy at the gate waving to me and I waved back signaling to wait for me and I ran to the gate. 

So on our way to school we saw some people wearing the same school uniform. Looking at them I saw a golden-haired boy that caught my attention. I felt my heart was beating faster than ever and actually can't breathe. 

"Hey Lu-chan what's happening to you why is your face so red and you suddenly stopped walking and what are you looking at?" Levy looked to where I was staring and said "Ohhh... you like him don't you?" she said while nudging me with her elbow. 

"Wh-wh-what are you talking about! I just saw him and that's impossible!" 

"Righhht" she said in a sarcastic tone 

"Whatever... we should get going already we still need to know our section and other stuff and to find our classroom" with that we continued our small journey to school. 

~At School 

It was 7:45 am as we arrived at school and we were greeted by a ........................................................................................................................ 


"Good Morning I'm Happy and I'll be your teacher in cooking and welcome to Fairy Tail Academy~!" 

Me and Levy looked at each other shocked. Well of course who wouldn't be shocked knowing that you've just been greeted by a blue cat that even talks! 

"Well you shouldn't be shocked and get used to it because you will see me everyday okay?" 

"Okay" me and Levy said in Unison that just recovered from the shock 

"Now to know your section and room please find your name at that bulletin board" He said as he pointed at the white bulletin board with papers attached to it "Proceed to your room when you know your section and room, your homeroom teacher will give your schedule" 

The blue cat I mean Happy sensei instructed us who knew FTA will hire teachers like them 

"Thank you sensei!" Me and Levy said at once. So we did what we were told to do. 

"Lu-chan look we're in the same class!" It's section 1-A, Rm. #16 it's on the second floor and our homeroom teacher is Gildarts Clive" 

"Thanks Levy. Let's go" I said with a smile. 


"Well we're here" I told Levy I opened the door and walked in with Levy following behind. When we entered the crazy crowd suddenly went silent. I got nervous by their silence, what if they all hate me again and my past ......... I was going to pick a chair already when suddenly a boy with ginger hair blocked my path.  

"Hi! I'm Loke and my the name of the fine young maiden?" he said as he gently took my hand and put a gentle kiss on it. Well that ruined the mood I hate guys and my doing that I'd probably not even let him touch my hand but I just can't scold him just by being a gentleman and that will make a bad impression. So I just said my name politely. 

"My name is Lucy" 

"Pleased to meet you Lucy" Loke said & smiled I turned around to see Levy surround by 2 boys. 

"Hi my name I Droy" the boy with black hair said 

"And my name is Jet" said the boy with a big brown hat 

"And your name is?" they said in unison 

"My name is Levy, Pleased to meet you" she said with a smile. 

When I turned around I saw a perfect view of the class. My heart started to beat fast again, it was the golden-haired boy I saw earlier talking to some boys including Loke maybe they already know each other its seems like a group meeting to them. I didn't expected him to be in the same classroom. 

"That's Hibiki " someone said which snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see who it was and I saw a girl with short white hair with beautiful blue eyes. 

"My name is Lisanna , Lisanna Strauss. And what is yours?"she said with a smile that made me more comfortable talking to her. 

"My name is Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia. Pleased to meet you" I said with a smile 

"Well you should know that the boy you were staring at is Hibiki Lates. Event though it is the 1st day of school he is already popular because of his charm" 

"Oh is that so... his charm won't affect me" I said with confidence. Yeah Right. 

I was about to go to Levy and tell her I already know the name of the boy from earlier. Suddenly someone with orange hair barged in. 

"Good Morning EVERYONE!" I'm Gildarts Clive and I'll be your homeroom teacher. But call me Gildarts-sensei. Before we start do you have any questions?" 

No one in the class raised their hand nor asked a question they just kept silent. I guess they're shy? Or scared? 

"Well then no questions we shall now proceed. Before I give you your schedules we will have a sitting arrangement" 

I hope I will sit beside Levy or Lisanna this will be a long day.


IceStars22:So that's Chapter 2 I hoped you liked it

Lucy: I hope I can sit next to Hibiki

IceStars22:What did you just say???

Lucy: I said Levy!

IceStars22: I'll try to update as soon as possible. See ya~!

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